CHAPTER 2: A new world

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- « Do you know where we are? I asked with a look dumbfounded at  Lula.
- Of course ! It's not at all weird ... she answers embarrassed.
-  Lula! I shouted.
- Yes, you were right, I admit ... said  Lula.
- How can we do for ... »

A heavenly voice cuts me off. By what right does she cuts me off? Well ... I listen anyway, attentive.

« Welcome Phoebe and your partner Lula. You will be provided with a map and a scroll for put your answers. You are not alone in this game, you will face your doubles. If they win, they will replace you in real life. It is therefore a race against time. Your first enigma is this: in this forest, find a barrier with a chain and count the number of links. Good luck... »

Suddenly, a tornado of pixels makes a large forest appear.
How are we going to succed? I thought.

- « Seriously? As much as looking for a needle in a bundle of straw, I say.
- Don't give her any idea, exclaims Lula.
-  We have to go explore the woods and quickly. Get out the map, there is probably a clue, I urged.
- Yes ! I see a picture of the fence and a bright spot, say Lula.
- Let's hurry, I implored. »

Indeed, our clones are already a step ahead but they will never have this bond of best friends that unites me and Lula. We venture into this maze of trees and flowers.

- « See the positive side: there are beautiful butterflies, irony Lula.
- That is true. Are we in the right direction?
- Yes, that's it, says my friend.
- Follow me.
- I'm doing it already, she said, laughing.
- Everything is alike in this forest, I exclaimed.
- I admit, I agree with you on this point.
- Let's continue, we musn't stop.
- Ouch! Stupid branch!
- Are you ok Lula? I asked.
- Yes don't worry.
- Ok, here we go again.
- Just before you start walking again, do you see what I see?
- If you see a bear, then yes, I see the same thing as you, I say frightened.
- Well .... Awesome! We run to three?
- One
- Two ...
- Three! »
We run ourselves headlong into the forest but too focused to try to escape the beast, neither I nor Lula don't notice the big hole and obviously, we fall inside.

- « We have to get out of here, she said, stressed.
- How ? I asked Lula.
- Look! Liana! exclaims my friend.
- Ok, I'll go first, I suggest.
- Phoebe?
- Yes ? What is going on ?
- The liana that you hold in your hands ... it's not a liana.
- What? oh no ... a snake! I said, letting go of the "liana".
- Do you remember the cheerleader classes we followed?
"No, because we didn't take any, I said.
- It doesn't matter. I watched videos and I think that cheerleading will save us on this one. The plan is as follows: you take me and you throw me as do the acrobats!
- Ok, if you insist, I say puzzled. »
I throw Lula in the air. I hear a little crack, but Lula shows her thumb in the air. She helps me out of this hole.

After long hours of walking, the barrier appears. I look at Lula and we both agree that the barrier seems like the most beautiful thing in the world because we realy hoped to find it.

I take out the tablet, ready to note the number of links. I am writing fifteen. Once written, the ink disappears from the parchment.

A message is revealed:

« The first riddle is accomplished. Relax yourself. Tomorrow is another day. »

- « Awesome ! A heavenly voice has pity on us ... it's too kind! said my friend.
- You should thank her and help me for the camp for the night.
- I'm coming, sighs  Lula, tired of this first day of adventure. "

Tents in branches and bundles of wood are built. A home, a refuge for the night. I currently see Lula struggling and getting angry at the pieces of wood. It's quite funny especially that her outfit is not really in adequacy with the situation. My tent is taking shape.
With a rudimentary campfire I try to warm myself up. When suddenly a heavy rain falls on us. I see my friend, exhausted. At least, our beautiful blond hair is impeccably smooth because of the rain.

We hide in the tent.
- « Why us ! exclaims Lula.
- Because we opened the envelope ... I said pityed.
- Do you know Murphy's law? my friend asks.
"No, but you'll explain it to me," I said.
- To put it simply, this theory wants that if something can turn wrong , it will go wrong.
- Do you think we'll be fine? I asked.
- I don't know, we are together, we can survive to everything.
- I hope so. We are best friends. We will overcome all the quest, I said.
- We must not demoralize! Lula says.
- I agree with you, I murmured.
- Good night, whispers my friend.
- Good night, I replie tired. »

The night is going on and I'm scared. Afraid of not seeing my family again. Afraid of tomorrow's adventure. I only sleep with one eye, I become paranoid.

A sound is a creature, a step is the clones, a noise becomes everything and its opposite. It's horrible.

I have to sleep now, I'm exhausted. I am a person rather fighting and courageous but there ... it is too much. I'm happy Lula doesn't  succed to build her tent. It reassures me to sleep with her.

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