Chapter 3

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“What did you do that for?!” Kenlee screamed in my face.  “That was the most awkward conversation I’ve ever had.  You wouldn’t even say anything! They probably think you’re a mute.” I couldn’t stop laughing, she just stared the entire time.  

“I’m sorry, I was a little starstruck that my future husband was leaning on MY car.  God Reagan they seemed interested in us!”  

“Kenlee, lets be realistic here.  Two attractive guys in one of the most famous boy bands around are not going to be interested in a girl from New Hampshire and a girl from Alabama.”  I knew it sounded kind of harsh, but someone had to knock that girl back to reality. “Come on I’m starving, can we please just go to ihop?” I needed to stop talking about those boys and get some food.  

“Well, they’re gonna be her for 3 more days so maybe we’ll run into them again! Ah wouldn’t it be awesome if they remembered us to?! I can picture it now..” 

“Kenlee!” I interrupted, “That is not going to happen, stop fantasizing and drive.”  

We finally arrived at ihop and of course there was a wait.  So many random people were in town because of One Direction.  Every time I turned around there was another 12 year old in a One Direction shirt.  

“God there faces are everywhere, it's weird.”  I told Kenlee.  

“They’re huge stars Reagan, and you ran away from them.  How does that make you feel?”  

“Honestly?  Like a badass.  And you should too!  I doubt many other girls have treated them like that before, give them a bit of a reality check.”  Thinking back on the situation I was pretty proud of myself that I didn’t get all starstruck.  I may not be their biggest fan, but I did understand how huge and popular they are.  

“Reagan for 2!  Reagan for 2!”  Yelled the hostess.

We sat down and knew right away what we wanted.  And believe me, we ordered a lot of food.  All of a sudden everyone in the lobby started screaming, I thought I was going to go deaf. 

“What the hell is going on?! Is there a fire or something?!”  Kenlee asked.  I stood up to see if I could tell what was happening.  I couldn’t see a thing so I decided to take one more bite of food and then go to the lobby and see what was happening.  Chewing as I turned the corner I saw them, the same boys we had just been talking to on the corner.

“Reagan!” Harry screamed.  Shit! They saw me, and I still had food in my mouth.  I tried to quickly walk away and pretend like I didn’t hear him.  “Reagan come here! Come meet the other lads!”  Why was this happening, now I had no choice.  I tried to swallow as much of the food as I could as I slowly walked over.  As I was heading over I heard some girl say “Why is Harry talking to this chick?  She isn’t even that pretty.”  Oh did I give that bitch a glare.  Believe me, I knew I didn’t look my best, but that was plain rude.  I finally arrived and stood next to Harry and gave him a closed mouth smile.  

“Reagan, this is Zayn, Liam, and Louis!”  

“Hey babe how are you?” Liam said with a wide mouthed smile.  

“Oh fantastic, just coming to see what all the commotion was about.  Should have assumed it was you guys again.”  

“Again?  What do you mean?”  Zayn asked.  

“Oh nothing, just we missed class this morning because of the traffic by the stadium and that’s why we decided to come to breakfast instead.”  

“Oh I’m so sorry love, you must really be sick of seeing us by now then.”  Louis said.  

“Oh no y’all are fine.  I knew it would be like this when you were in town.”  

“Did you just say ‘Y’all’?  You don’t sound like you have a southern accent.”  Niall said flirtatiously.  I think I was blushing,

“Oh you know, living in the south for school I have picked up a few southern words.  Sorry..”  

“Oh no need to apologize.  I think its adorable.”  

Was Niall flirting with me?  I knew it couldn’t be true.  I smiled back at him.  

“Well I should probably get back to Kenlee, I’m sure she’s wondering where I am.”  

“Why don’t you grab her and come sit with us?” Harry asked.  

“Yeah, I definitely think you two should join us.”  Niall said with a wink.  I knew I couldn’t reject them twice in one day.   “Alright, let me go ask her.”  

“No, no let me.  I never really got a chance to talk to her before.”  Harry said.  “Okay, she’s right around the corner, I’m sure you’ll see her.  But I have watch this.  When you get over there her reaction will be priceless.” I said with a laugh.  

“Zayn, Louis, Liam, why don’t you all go grab a table for us?  I’ll wait here with Reagan.”  Niall was going to stay with me?  Would it be awkward?  Oh I hoped not. 

“Well here I go!”  Harry exclaimed.  As he turned the corner and made eye contact with Kenlee I saw her jaw drop....

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2014 ⏰

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