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It was a foggy, Thursday morning in my small, lifeless town. Summer is a time to sleep in and wake up at 1 o'clock in the afternoon, however someone or something disrupted my comfy slumber. I heard loud noises of someone or something banging violently on the downstairs window. My heart began to race, as I immediately remembered the break-in down the street from a couple weeks ago. I ran back upstairs to my parents room when I saw a note on the door.

      Went to the grocery store... be back in a couple hours. There's breakfast down stairs. Love you,


My eyes filled up with tears as my last hope drained away from my mind. Dad was at work, Mom was at the store, and I was going to die!

I thought fast! Get it together Evangeline! Think! Think! That's when I saw my bedroom window open. It was stuffy in my room last night so my Dad insisted that I bring in a breeze. I ran over to the window and extended it reveal an escape! I squeezed my body through as the adrenalin rushed through me. I was out of ideas. I couldn't jump from a two story roof. I began to silently whimper. A couple tears ran down my rosy cheeks and my pink nose began to breathe heavily. It was chilly and the wind was not on my side. That's when I realized the banging had stopped. There was complete silence. I took in a breathe of relief and that's when it hit me...literally. I was knocked out cold. The person banging on the window must have intruded and knocked me out with a blunt object.

I woke up with duck tape over my mouth and and an old rag covering my watery eyes. At that point I gave up and just sat there sobbing. My hands tied behind me and my feet tied to the legs of the wooden chair. I had absolutely no hope. My faith in being free was gone! I sat there for a while quietly dying inside until I heard faint footsteps. They grew closer and closer and closer until they sounded as if they were in the room with me! Which is when the footsteps stopped. Right in front of me. My heart skipped a beat and I was filled with utter fear! I was clue less. I didn't know if this guy was going to start punching me or tell me this whole thing was a prank. Oh, how I wished and hoped that the whole thing was just a sick joke. But the sad truth is, is that it wasn't. This wasn't a hoax or a trick. This was real. It felt real. The pain at the back of my head was very real. And my tragic future would be real unless I could escape!

He ripped off the dictator from my mouth ,"So what we're you doing on that roof?" he interrogated me. I told him I was trying to escape because I thought that someone was breaking in. "Yes, and you almost escaped! I guess we'll have to be quieter next time," he insisted. His voice was clear and his words were firm. He sounded like a strong man who was very confident. He then, grabbed my arm and brought me to another room or compartment. I began scoping out the territory. We walked in a hallway from one room to the other. It was a straight path. I was a but surprised, for he grabbed hold of my arm, he seemed gentle and not harsh in any way. He sat me down on a cold, metal chair, and informed me to not move a muscle. Which is when I noticed that he didn't tie me to the chair. I heard his footsteps leave my presence. I fixed my position and removed the rag from my eyes and looked around for a way out! Nothing! No windows, or other doors leading out of the room besides the one by the hallway. I ran out the door and into the hallway. There was a thin door in the hallway that seemed to be a closet. I ran over and closed myself in I backed up and felt a needle puncture into my back. There was I light switch. When I turned it on I cried at the sight of what I saw! The closet was full of rusty nails and knives sticking out! this is probably where they put there victims. 

Author's Note:

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2014 ⏰

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