July 23, 2014

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Nothing really happened today. I shouldn't really have an entry for today but, right now, I have this feeling that our program tonight was so important that I have to share this to you Watty. It's so important for the ladies. Well, tonight was the last night of the "Women on Focus". And, this is from E.White,

"Appeal to an Indulged Daughter [Note: these are extracts from a letter to a self-willed girl who was practicing secret vice.]—Your mind is impure. You were relieved from care and labor altogether too long. Household duties would have been one of the richest blessings that you could have had. Weariness would not have injured you one tenth as much as have your lascivious thoughts and conduct. You have received incorrect ideas in regard to girls and boys associating together, and it has been very congenial to your mind to be in the company of the boys. You are not pure in heart and mind. You have been injured by reading love stories and romances, and your mind has been fascinated by impure thoughts. Your imagination has become corrupt, until you seem to have no power to control your thoughts. Satan leads you captive as he pleases.... "

Well, there's this topic also about modesty, character, and the hearts of the women. Everything just made sense. I can't really tell everything but this program was worth it. Well, at least for me, because  I have to change for the better. I guess reading novels and non-religious things should be avoided right now as much as possible. And I need a lot of courage in this new lifestyle I am choosing tonight. I really do want to change. I mean, from the start, even from the day I was born. I want to format my life. And try to do things in accordance to God's will because I am sooooo not worthy for God's love and eveeything He has done for me. Unfortunately, it's very impossible. So, all I'm gonna do is ask for forgiveness and let God rule my life. And we girls really don't want guys to  commit sins, right? So, yaaaa. We know what to do. ;)

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