chapter 3

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Nightmare pov

I sighed and just tried thinking of a topic i hated silence. "So um....have any friends back at your uh area?" I attempted. "Nope it was just me alone with the others of course till Ink went missing after that......we barely spent time together...." Cross told me. "Ok...." The letter said that they need to trust us and feel safe with us us to get the key which is a bit weird but fine.... I sighed. "So um lets just get to know eachother.." I atempted again and Cross nodded.  "Any Family?" He glanced to his side. "Not any that are alive. One is fused with me due to experiments." Experiments? I heard a knock at the door after. 

Dust pov

"So Blue why do you stay with Edge if he does Abuse you?" Blue sighed as i asked. "I stayed because i believed that everyone can be a good person if they just try..." Blue smiled slightly. "Ok thats acaully pretty cool well I'm Dust and i have a brother named Dustin." Blue smiled. "Really?! Cool! Could i play with him?" I laughed. "Sure Dustin!" Abit after i yelled a small skeleton walked over. "Hi Brother! And um Hi...?" Blue laughed. "Call me Blue or Blueberry works fine too." The skeleton nodded and smiled. "Okie Blue I'm Dustine Dusts brother!" Blue smiled."Nice to meet you!" Blue yawned next and curled up. "Hey Blue why don't you sleep on my bed because i am acaully going to go check the others.." Blue nodded and layed on my bed when i got up. I put a blanket over him and left.

Reaper pov

I kept flirting with Geno and he just kept pushing me away. I guess I went too far because he ended slapping me.  I didn't think I did anything that bad. I just asked about his scar and called him an angel. I just sighed and left. I was just doing extra things like tieing the canons down and making sure nothing was out of place. I froze when i felt a tap and i looked behind me. It was Geno... I sighed and looked away. "What the hell do you want?!" Geno sighed."I'm sorry Reaper for slapping you." I smiled and hugged Geno. "Forgiven does that mean you'll love me." I laughed at Genos expression. He was blushing but at the same time angry. I chuckled. "Seems I came at the wrong time. Well good luck Reaper." I saw Dust leave in a hurry. 

Killer pov

I sighed seeing Ink and Dream catching up. I was hoping to secretly leave but Error caught me. "Killer where are you going?" I shook my head. "Outside for some air besides I'm not needed here." What i heard next shocked me. "Well i want you here!" I heard Dream say. I laughed and just sat next to dream. "Why?" "Because your Fun Killer!" I shrugged confused on how i was fun. "How am I fun?" Dream looked over at me. "You not only helped me but actually got to know me. I know pirates are bad and all but your not bad." I was surprised. I hadn't even really notice that we were going soft. 

Horror pov

I looked at Lust. "So have any friends or family?" Lust sighed. "Yea a brother i rather never see again and a dad who i can bare with but he would be with a new women every week." I nodded. "Well my dad left me and my brother and we struggled to get food. Sadly we turned to our only option at the time eating humans........i always told Scare (horrortale paps) it was chicken because he would never eat it if he knew it was human because he loves humans..... "Lust nodded. "I understand Desperate times calls for desperate measures......" I nodded abit glad he understood. "Abit after the crew found me and i was recruited i taught Scare to cook and he became our chief along with Lilly...." He nodded again seeming not to want to talk. I sighed.

Fell pov

"I told him not to abuse anyone else! Ill fucking kill him he! I already told well threatened once that he shouldn't abuse people that bitch!" Sci flinched at my cursing. "I-its fine t-though i take m-most hits f-for my friend..." He said calmly. "That's worse! He shouldn't be doing it at all!" Sci nodded. I sighed. "Sorry....i shouldn't be yelling at you im just pissed at my brother i gave him a second chance and this is what he does?" Sci stays silent. "Second chance? You nearly killed your brother?" I looked over at Sci. "He's done this before. Act innocent. Trick people. He's hurt me before with his charm." Sci looked surprised. "What?! Pirates can be weak at times too!" I argued while he looked ready to laugh.

Errors pov

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