All along

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Your eyes fluttered open, squinting against the harsh morning light. You groaned and slammed your hand against your alarm clock, muting the sharp tones. You flung your covers off your body and climbed out of bed and began to groggily get ready for work. You had recently gotten a job at your local GameStop and had been given the unlucky shift of opening at 9:00.

"Why did I take this damn job..." you muttered under your breath as you slid on your black polo uniform and pulled on your lanyard. As you walked out the door, you heard a woozy voice from your living room,

"You're leaving?"

You glanced over to the source of the voice; a half-awake, dazed Mark was propped up on his elbow on couch. You smiled,

"Mark, I forgot you were here. Did I wake you up?"

He shook his head, "No. I was kinda awake already." You had let Mark stay the night, as you two had tipped back a couple drinks and it was too late for him to drive back. You had offered for you two to share the bed, but Mark had insisted that he took the couch.

His dark eyes looked up at yours, "You're leaving?" he repeated, befuddled. You gave a sad smile, "Yeah. I gotta go to work."

Mark pouted and plopped his head back down on the cushions. You headed towards the door, speaking to him in the way out, "I'll be back in a couple hours. Help yourself to anything in the kitchen and call me if you leave." Mark nodded and you grinned, "See you later. Bye."


Your shift was a dry, dull one, as it was an early Tuesday morning, the slowest shift of the week. You had driven home and pushed the door open with your shoulder, finding Mark flipping through the channels on your TV. You smiled,

"Hey, Mark." you greeted him warmly. Mark gave a small smile and nodded. You slid your lanyard off of your neck and onto the table, plopping on the couch across from Mark. He turned off the TV and set down the remote, leaning back against the cushions,

"How was work?" he questioned.
You puffed your cheeks, "Slow." He nodded and shrugged, "Suppose I wouldn't know. After all, I have a job where I don't even have to wear pants." he said happily. You chuckled softly and pressed your shoulders into the couch. Mark looked at you, "Oh, and before I forget."

You nodded, listening. Mark ran his hand through his hair, "I think that, like, if you and I... I mean, if we could--" he sighed and smiled shyly, "I'm trying to ask if you want to go out somewhere. But my brain is not functioning." You gave a burst of laughter and grinned, "Of course, ya dork." You said giddily, shoving him on the shoulder playfully. Mark's smile widened, "Thank god. I made some reservations at Ted's and it would be very awkward to cancel them."

You smiled. Ted's Bulletin was one of your favorite restaurants a couple miles away. It wasn't fancy; in fact, it was more of a diner than a restaurant. But you loved it there and you knew Mark did to. It was perfect.


A couple hours later, you had donned one of your nicer blouses and some jeans, waiting for Mark to come out. You glanced down at the time on your phone. 6:18. You called out, "Mark!" You heard a muffled response from the other room, "Um, just one second!" You shook your head and scrolled through your phone until Mark finally came out. He was wearing a plaid red-and-black button-down that brought the red out in his eyes and some washed blue jeans. You smiled as he stepped towards you, shrugging his coat on and opening the door, sweeping out his arm, "Shall we?" You looked up at him happily, "We shall."

You drove to Ted's, getting a booth for the two of you. You sat across from Mark, whose fingertips were placed under his chin. You got some water from the waitress and flipped through the menu, making small conversation with Mark,

Mark cleared his throat, "So, uh, how was work?"

You chuckled and shook your head, "You asked me that already, Mark."

A laugh bubbled from Mark's throat. He rubbed the back of his neck, "Oh, uh, I did, didn't I?"

You grinned, "Oh, please. You're fine.," you said, "It was good, by the way. Work was good."

Mark gave a small smile, "Good."

"Have you recorded recently?" you asked. Mark nodded slowly,

"Yeah. Uh, yeah." He said. "What games?" you questioned politely.

"Um, I recorded an Amnesia map and  played a bit of Five Nights at Freddy's 2, just for fun." he said. All horror games, of course. "I thought you said you recorded some Happy Wheels too?" you said. Mark's face was blank for a split second, as if he wasn't registering your words. Then he gave a small smile and said, "Happy Wheels. Yeah. I did that awhile ago. Yeah." he stammered. You nodded politely, but took note of Mark's odd behavior. At first you thought it was just nervousness, but Mark never got this nervous.

The waitress came and you got the soup of the day while Mark got some pasta. You and Mark ate and chatted, him acting relatively normal for the rest of the night. His nerves seemed to calm down as he spoke, which you were happy for. After a nice dinner, you and Mark drove home, you sitting on the couch as Mark hung up his jacket.

You were thinking hard. You still couldn't get over Mark's behavior. Now that you thought about it, it seemed to be more than nerves. He couldn't remember things he had said in conversation mere minutes ago. His expression seemed to be one of polite interest, but you noticed an underlying feeling, one almost of boredom. Mark wasn't one to get bored easily.You were putting the clues together as the answer flashed before your eyes. Mark, taking a while to change. Mark, acting nervously and forgetting previous words. Mark, his normally dark eyes offset to a strange... red color. You whirled your head over to Mark, who was facing away from you. That's when you realized.

That wasn't Mark.

You stood up and ran towards him in a blind fury. You had no idea what you were going to do, but you were angry. Angry that the demon had taken Mark right under your nose and you didn't notice.

You were inches from it, still running, your feet slamming on the ground. You raised your hand in a fist right above his head. But somehow the demon turned around, quick as a flash, and caught your arm, his fingers tightening around your arm. Pain shot through you but you refused to show it. You stared into the demon's eyes, unblinking, conveying one clear message.

I hate you.
I hate you.
I hate you.

The demon chuckled and shook it's head, it's voice cruel and cold, "Finally figured it out, have you?" it said. It twisted your arm with a flick of it's wrist, cringing as a dark aura emitted from his arm, almost smoke-like, with tendrils flowing across his arm. You barred your teeth and spoke, punctuated, "What. Have. You. Done. With. Him." you said, your eyes not moving an inch.

"He's still here. Inside of his own body. I have merely taken control of what he can do." he said. You blinked, "You're... controlling him?" The demon flashed a toothy grin, "See, I knew you weren't completely stupid." he spoke with a casual maleficence, "I wanted to see if I could pass as your bumbling fool of a friend. Expand my acting range, if you will. But I was still me, (y/n)," he said as you winced, the tendrils creeping up your wrist, "and I, unlike Mark, can see into your basic psyche. I know you fell for it. I know you enjoyed it." He grinned and you gave a groan of pain as the smoke worked it's way up your arm, your shoulder, your neck and face. Before it covered your eyes and ears you heard one last sentence, "But it was me, (y/n). It was me all along."

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