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Anakin Skywalker lay under a starfighter in the Jedi Temple hangar bay. He fumbled with tools, screws, and various other parts. Ever since he lost his fighter a week ago he had gotten a new one, but he didn't like the engine...

The Jedi forced himself to forget that Ahsoka saved him before his fighter blew up. In a way he tried to pretend she never walked down those steps and into the sunset. No matter how hard he tried he couldn't do it. Tears came to his eyes as he came to reality. He was alone in the hangar, all the other Jedi didn't go in the hangars much since the bombing.

He heard doors slide open nearby, he didn't bother looking to see who it was. He assumed it was another Jedi but he was wrong, it was his master Obi-Wan Kenobi.

"Anakin?" Obi-Wan asked. Anakin sighed, he had really wanted to be alone. He slowly rise from underneath the fighter. "Yes master?" He asked. "Wanna talk?" The bearded Jedi asked. "Not really." Anakin sighed. "Well, we need to, you haven't said a word since yesterday when..." Obi-Wan caught himself before mentioning Ahsoka.

Anakin starred at him with bloodshot eyes. "Anakin? When's the last time you slept?" Obi-Wan gasped. "Honestly, I don't even know." Anakin shook his head. "Do you realize the time?" Obi-Wan asked. Anakin turned his head toward the opening in the hangar and saw it was dark on Corasaunt. "Wow, this engine is never gonna get done." Anakin sighed. "Anakin don't change the subject, sit." Obi-Wan pointed to a box big enough for 2 to sit on. Anakin slouched over and planted himself on the box. Obi-Wan followed.

Anakin just sat with a blank stare. "Anakin, let it out." Obi-Wan commanded. Anakin blinked a couple times, small tears ran down his cheeks. "I'm not mad at her. I just feel like I failed her as a master..." Anakin spat. Obi-Wan placed his hand on Anakin's shoulder. "Anakin, you didn't fail her." Obi-Wan replied. "But I did. I mean, if I didn't why would she leave?" He asked. "Ani-" Obi-Wan stopped. Anakin turned and looked Obi-Wan in the eyes. "You didn't fail her. She didn't fail you." Obi-Wan assured.

Anakin looked down to avoid his eyes. "in a way I understand, but, I'm just so stumped." Anakin replied. "And it's okay to be. You don't think I feel the same way?" Obi-Wan asked. "Well, I mean, you where close to her, but..." Anakin was interrupted. "Anakin, I was like her second master." Obi Wan frowned. "But Master, she was like a daughter to me!" Anakin snapped. "I see, Anakin, I've never told you but your like a son to me, I know you see me like a father." Obi-Wan explained.

"Master," Anakin started but stopped. "Yes Anakin?" Obi-Wan looked down at him and asked. "How would you feel if I left the order at the age, when I had so much potential?" Anakin asked. "I..." Obi-Wan froze, "I'm not sure, if you had a good reason then I wouldn't be as mad. But if you just left for no reason I would." Obi-Wan replied. "Do you think Ahsoka had a good reason?" Anakin asked. "Honestly, Anakin, yes she did. She felt that she couldn't be trusted here. It was her choice..." Obi-Wan replied.

Anakin covered his face with his arm, he threw his arms around Obi-Wan and placed his head on his shoulder. Obi-Wan could hear sobs coming from the Jedi. "It's okay Anakin. Your gonna be alright, she's gonna be alright." Obi-Wan patted Anakin on the back as he hugged him back.

Anakin pulled himself back, "Master, I don't thank you enough... I, just, don't.." Anakin replied. "It's okay Anakin. I know you appriciate me, and I'm glad to have a friend like you." Obi-Wan replied. He looked at Anakin, "I promise you she will be fine. Trust me." Obi-Wan stated. Anakin nodded, "She's smart, she'll make it." He replied with a smile.

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