Error X Male Skeleton Glitch Reader: Dirty Abomination

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You were walking in the anti void, it's been a few days since you started your journey, to find somebody, anybody!

You called out in your glitch voice, You were expecting to hear no response like you had been getting, but somehow, another glitched out voice returned, "Wh-Who is there!?!?" You smiled, you weren't alone in this white void, "My name is-is (Y/N)!!! Where are you!?!" You looked around, when another glitched skeleton teleported in front of you. Making you jump a bit. He laughed. "(Y-Y-Y/N) Huh?" He frowned. "What's wrong" You ask. "There isn't a (Y/N) in any timeline, or AU..." He smiled insanely. "YOU MUST BE A GLITCH!!!!" He laughed in a glitchy manner. "What-at??? But aren't you one too!? And-and what is a time-timeline or AU!?!?" you say. The skeleton, looked at you, he was a bit taller than you. He grabbed your soul with blue strings. "You'll be coming with me!" he laughed out. You two teleported to a place you never seen before. It had papers floating in an endless orange abyss. "I-I-Ink~ I have-ave a surprise!!!" he called to the air. "huh-uh no answer" He turned around towards you. And smiled, "By the way, I'm Error!" You nod slowly still in shock as to what was happening. "Aw-Aw, Don't give me that-at look!" You look him in the eyes. Not speaking, "T-talk to me..." he said kind of nervous. You look away, He steps closer to you. "TALK-ALK TO ME!!!!"He yells. You yell back, "WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO SAY!!!!" he looks at you in shock. Then anger, and he teleports you 2 back to the void,

It had been days since your outburst at Error, you began to feel bad, and he hadn't spoke to you since. You began to feel lonely. And after a while, You started to glitch cry. "I'm sorry," You whisper. Error luckily was on some sort of mission, But by the time he got back you were still softly crying. He looked at you, "W-What's wrong?" You look at him, "I'm sorry-rry." He sighs, "No-No, I should be." You raised a non existent eyebrow. "F-For what? I yelled at you!" Error looks you in the eyes, "I couldn't kill you because, I felt something for you, a dirty abomination." You're eyes widened, "But-ut you barely know me?" You say, He sighs, "I know.." Then he smiles. "how about we learn a bit about each other!" He let go of your soul strings that have been attached to your soul this whole time. You two talked,

It had been a few months since Error told his feelings to you, and you felt bad since you never told him any response, but now that you knew more about him, you felt attracted to him, and today was the day you decided to tell him.

"Error?" You call, "Yes?" he responds. "Do you still h-h-have feelings for me?" He blushes a bright yellow. "so what if I-I-I do?" He says, You smile, "Well, If you did, I'd tell you I felt the same." He looked relieved, "Go-Good, because I do..." You smile.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2018 ⏰

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