Chapter 1

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Edgar had found himself in a situation no amount of luck was going to get him out of, or so he thought. When one day a pack of wild dogs had decided they were hungry enough to go after Edgar. He had heard them, the soft sound of snow being crunched under their feet.

And Edgar decided to do the most idiotic thing he could have done, he ran. As he ran as fast as he could he heard the following footsteps rushing towards him and the rough growls and barking off the wild animals chasing him violently through the snowy woods. When he took a violent right turn he ended up in a situation he thought would be the end of him, he was trapped in a corner.

The wild animals surrounded him taking their time looking him over and deciding when to pounce. Two groups waited 3.... 2..... 1..... and the wild ones lost as a dark shadow jumped towards them it was a large wolf bigger than all of the wild ones! He towered over them as they shrunk back into the woods. All was quite as it was tense and they decided to finally run off.

The bigger wolf turned toward me and I didn't dare move a muscle he decided not to eat me and spared me my life but I was still shaken from that intense glare he had given me. I decided to thank him "Bless you for saving me!" I told the wolf slowly. He simply looked back at me and said in a deep moderate tone "Never Run." And he walked off for what I thought was the last time.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2018 ⏰

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