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"Any way time for partners" she said clicking her pen

"Henry and Zachary

"Charolatte and Me"

I groaned

She went on as the partner's gathered together

When she was done she walked towards me

"So I was thinking we could do a golden theme" she said with an excited look

"That sounds fun" I shrugged

"Mrs. Sanchez, a word" the principle said

She scurried over to the principle

I pulled out my phone

I saw a notification from Instagram

@HnryHart liked you photo

I snickered

Ew he was Insta stalking me

Carmen came back with an annoyed look

"You and Henry need to go to the office" she said

"Now I've got to find other volunteers" she said groaning

"What do you mean" I said confused

"Your out the homecoming committee" she said

"Why" me and Henry said on cue

"Because your parents want you in the program" he said calmly

"I'm not going" I said throwing my arms up

"Me either" Henry said

"See we are getting along fine" I said putting my hand on Henry's shoulder

He looked at me weirdly

"Go with it" I grunted

"Yeah we are best friends" he said pushing my arm off him

I steped on his foot

He grunted

I put a fake smile putting my arm back on him

"Fine, I'll bump it down 3 days if you guys cause no problems for the rest of the week" he said pleased with his choice

"Deal" Henry said

"What" I screamed

He stepped on my foot

"Ow, whatever" I said getting up

"Ladies first" I said opening the door for Henry

"Shut the fuck up" he said with a smile creeping

"I'm hungry" I said

"And" he said

"You should take me out to eat" I said as my stomach growled

"With what money" he laughed

"Do you at least got some vending machine money" I asked desperate gripping his arm

He pulled his arm back from me.

He pulled out 5 bucks

"Get me Doritos dynamite and a water" he said handing me the money

"Thank you" I said

Mabey this week wouldn't be so bad

He went go sit down on the school bench outside

I put the money in the slot

I felt my ass being gripped as I bent down to grab Henry's chips

The hell

It was one of the dumbest boys on the soccer team, aka Trey.

"Aye, what's good Charolatte" he said with his thick urban accent

"If you fucking touch me again, I swear it will be the last thing you ever do " I said rolling my eyes

"You mean like this" he said grabbing my ass again

"Hey you need too stop, I dont have time for this I'm hungry" I said getting flustered

I put the rest of my money in the machine

He put his arm up against the machine

I got my food and pushed him off me and walked off

"I'm serious, touch me again and its the last thing you do Trey"

I pushed open the door and sat on the bench next to Henry

I angrily threw him his chips and water at him

"Boys are gross" I said popping open the bag

"What happend" he asked putting his phone in his pocket

"Trey" I sighed

"Is there something I should know" Henry asked

"Nah, your good'' I said eating my chips

Henry started smacking on his chips

"I know were being nice and all but shut the fuck up" I said annoyed but smiling

"Usually that will just make me smack louder, but since your being nice I'll stop" he said

I smiled rolling my eyes

He sipped his drink "You know,"

"One day your eyes will get stuck up there" he said

"Today's not that day" I replied

"What are you guys talking about" Trey said emerging out of the school

He squeezed inbetween me and Henry

Normally I would be glad, but instead I'm just of pissed off

"Oh hey Trey" Henry said looking over to study my face

He placed his hand on my ass

"I'm going to go" I said

"No stay" trey said grabbing my wrist

I had an alarmed look

"Let her go man" Henry said

"No she should stay" he said gripping harder

"Let me go" I said

"No" he said

"You have one more chance to let her go" Henry said serious

He let go

"Sorry, geez" he said

"I'm walking you home" Henry said

"Fine" I said

"Bro I already called bibs" Trey said

Henry was getting mad


"Aren't y'all like arch enemies" Trey said poking Henry's back

Henry swung hitting him right in the jaw

I booked it, I was already in trouble with my mom for fighting so I was on my last strike

I felt bad for leaving Henry but I had to save my ass


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