Ok so this is May
May has lived her whole life on a collar chained to the wall being slowly tortured and injected with various chemicals to keep her up (awake) and so she won't die faster. May is currently 16 she was taken at one and started being tortured at 3 even though when she was 1-3 she was still being treated terrible. The person (or monster) that does this to her is a little girl that I will draw next....To be continuedOh and if you wonder why it says broken dolly (you probably can't see the "y" but it's there) is because the little dolly is May because that's how the little girl sees May a dolly that you could play with however you like as much as you'd like.
My ART (^_−)−☆
RastgeleIt's just a book of my art work Some are original (most of them) Some are fan art Some are inspired I'm not a great artist I just like drawing