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My face froze and my arms fell limp around Xenic. He carried on crying, as if it was his fault.

Why would they want me dead?

I wasn't even upset, more confused actually. I didn't have any problems with anyone in my town, I followed (most) rules set. What was there in me to sacrifice?

I didn't really mind dying, well, I didn't mind leaving town that's for sure. The only 'family' I had was Xenic, and he was here with me anyway. If you look on the even darker side, Xenic wasn't related to me, so I had no family at all.

But then that meant I had nothing to lose right?

Hours later, we were both sitting down and reminiscing. Xenic laughed and wiped his puffy eyes every time we brought up an old memory. It went from depressing, to relaxed.

"Do you ever think we'd look back at this" I asked.

Xenic just hung his head low and shook it.


A few moments of silence passed by then I re-broke the ice,

"Let's move, the forest is ugly don't you think"

Xenic grinned, then we ran around the edge and downhill, our bags hitting our back violently. I closed my eyes and remembered how we did the same when we were younger.

Being the idiot I was, I tripped whilst I was running...with my eyes closed.

I blacked out immediately.

What felt like seconds, though Xenic said it was actually hours, I woke up in Xenics arms. His face was moving so I closed my eyes and let him carry me.

I could feel my back sticking to my jacket, and I didn't have my bag.

'Why am I such an idiot?' My mind spoke to itself, the words tearing through a buzz of thoughts, fogging up the windows of my train of thought.

Everything was doubled.

I panicked and closed my eyes, relying on my ears to build a clear picture of what was around me.

It didn't work and I fell asleep

Coalescing AmorphousWhere stories live. Discover now