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So as you can see, it's been a VERY long time since I last updated this book. And I can explain why.

1) I was grounded for the absolute longest.
2) This resulted from me just not being at my best. Lots of personal crap has been happening and I just needed to take a break and get myself together. While doing that, I have been writing, but not smut.
3) I've grown out of this form of writing. I have found other ways of doing what I love without it being sexual. I write poems, songs, and fanfics and just regular stories that I hope to publish on here someday. In fact, I am currently working on a fic about the Styles guy. This will be my first ever fanfic posted on here and it has poetry as well. I am also writing a poem book but idk if I'll be putting it out for wattpad to see lol.
4) School had me busy when I was back on my phone and laptop..now I'm a first time college student and I actually have time on my hands for once. I like it lol.

So basically, this is the end of the dirty imagines. Of course the books I write will have mature content, but the purpose of the books is NOT that it's an erotica. It's far from that, but there could be sexual moments..it'll just be more mature and not like what's in this book.

I AM NOT DELETING THIS!!! Only because I do see ppl adding this to their libraries so obviously, it's still getting some attention, and this is what got me started. I am not ashamed of it, I even read it and got my panties moist lol, but it's just not my thing to write anymore. For those that still like it, this is still available for you and I hope you did enjoy my work. I might edit it though just because I was like 14 (omg wow) when I wrote these and it could definitely be a lot better. And I keep seeing the C word which I DEFINITELY CANNOT STAND! But other than that, this book will still have everything from beginning to end, nothing deleted.

Thank you for all of the support on this book,
and I'm glad you enjoyed reading it as much as I did writing it.

-Kay xx

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