The Lion , The Best- Seller

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The visible reality is the result of a spiritual world, the worlds are interconnected and react among themselves, even before the existence of time, in a higher level of existence, there was a war between powers that shook the universe, the lion and his army against the forces of evil and rebellion, they have been expelled, but now in a new world they will try once more to take power.

The Lion the Best-Seller.

The story here tells of the existence of visible and invisible worlds, a perfect kingdom where everything is perfect, its King and its subjects, a place totally organized and without conflicts or wars, governed by a Fair and kind King, in this kingdom there is no death, poverty or ignorance, until there is an attempt of rebellion, one of the most important characters of this kingdom is expelled along with a third of the existing messengers, the perfect kingdom is perfect precisely because the King established freedom as the way to serve , and gave the freedom for his creatures to decide to serve him or to rebel against him,

The perfect kingdom has one of its most important messengers expelled and thrown to an intermediate level of existence, beneath the perfect realm and above the realm of time, these creatures who once were noble and powerful have now become disfigured and perverse, living among the worlds, trapped in darkness, until their leader decides to conquer the kingdom below them,

An imperfect kingdom called the kingdom of time, the kingdom of time already has its ruler, a creature smaller than the messengers, who were created in the perfect kingdom, but a different creature, containing a nature of this material and fragile kingdom, called kingdom of time and also a nature from above the perfect realm, so we can say that this creature was the link of the bond between these two worlds, the perfect world, or rather the perfect kingdom and realm of time, realm of time because this kingdom was created to be fleeting, or to wear away in time, different from the perfect realm where everything lasts forever.

This is the story of the kingdoms, the perfect kingdom, the kingdom of time and the lower realms, these kingdoms are interconnected, and have their rulers, but an attempted coup in the highest realm, from where the other kingdoms proceeded, will bring a series of conflicts that will close in the realm of distress, where the evil forces of Rebel will be driven out forever, the kingdoms will return to their order and the cosmos will be totally transformed, the powers will be shaken to the principalities, powers and dominators of this dark world are utterly dethroned, to the last and most fearsome, called death will be overcome by the power of life which is in Huda the Lion.

The ruler of this kingdom, here called Hadem, has authority over the kingdom and the creatures that existed there, but, on one condition, not to disobey the King's word ruling the perfect kingdom, being also created with the power to choose, or with liberty, this beloved and honored creature, I decided to disobey the King above and obey the leader of the messengers who were living among these kingdoms in the darkness, or also called heavenly places, when Hadem disobeys this kingdom he governs now to the dominion of those to whom he subjected himself, the leader of the messengers who promoted an attempt of rebellion in the perfect kingdom, now becomes the prince of this new world, along with his entrance into this intermediate realm, his followers who were expelled with him of the kingdom of perfection, now will be the new rulers of this world, the kingdom that had been created for Hadem, now has a new ruler called the prince of this world, the values ​​of the new ruler is completely different and the kingdom is called the kingdom of affliction, affliction because the new ruler will afflict the creatures that live in this kingdom, a kingdom that received a curse and subjects who had their mind imprisoned by the principalities, powers and rulers of this dark world, is this a fiction?

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2018 ⏰

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