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Leilani held the phone closer to her ear hearing Denim's cries get farther away. She heard a door slam and she couldn't hear her anymore. She started panicking in her seat and picked up the phone to contact the pilots.

"Yes miss." She heard him say.

"How much fucking longer!" She yelled feeling her blood boil.

"We are almost there, about one hour and thirty minutes left." She slammed the phone down picked it up and slammed it down again breaking it. She got up and grabbed a bottle of vodka out the cabinet to calm her down. She slammed the cabinet door and then punched a whole through.

Aria knew that she was probably going to destroy the plane but she couldn't stop her. Leilani has a horrible temper and once she gets even a little mad she could be hard to calm down and dangerous to be around. She experienced this first hand when they were teenagers and she tried to calm Leilani down after a fight. Which ended in Aria being the next victim of a painful ass whooping.

Aria just turned her music up and cuddled up with her blankets. Leilani gulped down the bottle like it was nothing. Now she's not a alcoholic but she has been drinking since she was 10. She usually has to go through half a bottle in order to feel a buzz.

She put her phone back to her ear trying to hear anything, still nothing. She gripped the bottle in one hand and her hair in the other. She felt powerless not being able to do anything to help Denim knowing she was in trouble. She swallowed the rest of the bottle and then threw it at the wall making the glass shatter. She got up and went to the cabinet for another bottle.

She drunk that one too and stumbled a bit feeling the effects of the last and this one. She put it back and went back to her seat she sat down feeling her head spinning. She picked up her phone and she put it to her ear. She heard footsteps and then somebody put the phone to their ear.

"Denim baby!" She yelled into the phone.

She heard a light chuckle and she knew exactly who it was.

"I knew the bitch was cheating. Who the fuck if this." The voice said darkly.

"Shane, I swear on my dead ancestors when I see you I'm going to kill you in the most painful way possible. You know who this is."

"Uhm, C-Creed. H-How did you get this number?" She said not so big and bad now. She sounded scared afraid even.

"Don't worry about that, just know I'm coming for what mines. And that includes your life." Leilani took the phone from her ear and pressed the red button. She set her phone on the seat next to her and ran her hand down her face. She had to calm down before she does something drastic and make the plane crash.

She leaned her seat back and put her arm over her eyes. She closed her eyes and it seemed like a minute later Aria was waking her up telling her they landed. She hopped out her seat feeling a headache publishing through her head. She payed it no mind and raced off the plane.

She jumped in the all black suv that was awaiting them. Aria got in not long after. "Go to Shane's house, fast." Aria handed her two aspirins and she took them and the bottle of water. It didn't take them long to get there because Shane didn't live too far from the airport.

"Kev come with us I need you to have my back. Collect anything that looks worth it." She told her driver as they pulled infront of a nice sized house. She opened the trunk and lifted the false floor up and handed out weapons. She only had one gun with a silencer because they had too many neighbors for the big guns. She put the floor back and closed the trunk.

She saw a light go off and they Kev and Aria followed her up to the front door. She ran into it once and it fell, weak ass door. She held a knife in her hands as she ran upstairs because the light was up there. Aria walked around downstairs checking rooms. Kev just stuffed expensive shit in a black duffel bag.

Leilani checked every room, under every bed in every closet everywhere upstairs to come up empty handed she jogged back downstairs and Aria came from the back shaking her head also. Leilani felt tears brimming her eyes, she was too late.

Denim layed on the metal table with her legs tied to ropes hanging from the ceiling forcing them wide open. Her arms were tied above her head. She was waiting for Shane to come back and let her down. Her body was numb and her chest felt heavy. Her throat was raw from screaming so much. She was couldn't feel her legs due to them being suspended in the air for hours. She just wanted to die at this point, there was nothing for her to live for anymore. She heard footsteps upstairs and a tear rolled to her ear as she waited for Shane to come down.

She heard the door open and footsteps but they stopped. And ran right back up. Denim looked towards the steps confused.

Leilani let a tear fall and Aria pulled her into a hug. "I-i failed her." She cried and Aria rubbed her back.

"Boss you need to see this!" Kev yelled running from around a corner. Leilani wiped her face and followed him. Maybe he just found her vault she thought as he led her to the kitchen. He opened the door and she saw a bright light coming from a room down there.

She followed him down and when she saw who was in the room she almost threw up. Denim was in some painful looking contraption and her face was swollen and bleeding. There were multiple cuts and bruises all over her naked body. She ran over to her and tripped over a fucking tripod making a camera fall over. She payed it no mind as she pulled her knife out and began cutting the ropes on her legs.

Aria picked the camera up to see it was recording. She stopped it and put it in her pocket. She knew Leilani was gonna ask about it. She helped cut Denim's arms loose and Leilani took her jacket off throwing it over her exposed body.

Denim hasn't passed out yet but she could barley see what was going on thanks to her two black eyes. She couldn't feel anything but she felt her body being lifted into the air and carried around. She stared up at her face trying to see who it was. But they moved out side where it was dark and cold. She shivered and soon after she was set in a car on somebody's lap. She gripped onto them tightly, she might not be sure on who it was but she was grateful they got her out of there.

Leilani carried her bridal style to the car and then got in holding her tightly making sure she was covered by her jacket. It was cold out tonight. She waited patiently for Aria and Kev to cover the house in lighter fluid. Aria got in the car and Kev followed. Leilani watched as the house was engulfed in flames. She was still livid that they didn't find Shane but she decided no to focus on her at the moment. She had someone much more important in her arms.

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