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One thing Niall had mixed feelings about from being in the music industry for over eight years were interviews. Sometimes they went really well; the person ended up being respectful and kind, or funny  and creative by having him play a game. However, over time he's also gotten extremely rude questions, whether it's about who his least favorite One Direction member was or if he was a better/ worse singer than his friends.

It was aggravating to him that the men and women couldn't see just how plain disgusting they sometimes could be, but because of his image he couldn't call them out like he wished.

Despite bad questionnaires and weird games, Niall never failed to smile whenever his girlfriend of over a year was mentioned. Hearing her name caused the familiar butterflies in his gut to stir, and his ears would burn red while his cheeks flushed- especially if Haleigh was in the room.

Out of support for him, she would busy herself by being on her phone behind the camera or just listen to Niall speak with a proud smile on her face. When she was brought into conversation, she usually paid slightly more attention and found herself blushing from the answers Niall gave while glancing at her. Even though their friendship had been pretty public since they met, their relationship wasn't posted on their social media as much. They focused on one another, only posting when they felt like gushing or when they caught the other doing something silly.

So anytime Haleigh heard her name, her head raised in curiosity. That is what happened during a random interview while he promoted his second album. The interviewer was a kind, middle-aged woman who slyly shifted the topic from his music to the girl she caught Niall staring at out of habit with a dazed look in his eyes. From the woman's research, she knew who Haleigh was and hadn't been afraid to make a discussion with her in the room. "You've said many times before that the song So Long, that is now one of your singles, was inspired by your girlfriend, Haleigh. Are there any other songs that came to be because of your relationship with her?"

Niall's lips split apart into a wide grin from hearing the next question, and his bright blue eyes flickered over to Haleigh before he answered. "Absolutely. One thing I love about song writing is that you can express yourself through any kind of experiences you've lived through," he started thoughtfully, straightening his back in the chair he was sitting in. "Haleigh has been a part of my life for a long time, therefore she's influenced me as a person and as a songwriter. Even before any of my solo stuff, my friendship with her helped me write songs with the boys and now I use what we used to be like to how we've grown and changed."

"Any specific examples?" The woman, he learned her name was Jane, pushed slightly. 

"Well from my first album most of them were about her," Niall revealed, his cheeks burning in embarrassment as he awkwardly fiddled with his brown hair above his right ear. It was a habit grown from when the boys were promoting Four and he hadn't been able to drop it when he became shy in the public eye. He could feel Haleigh's gaze on him, but didn't see how her teeth nibbled on her bottom lip to hide her smile. "Flicker is probably one of my favorites, just because I believe it explains how much we care about one another- even during rough times. But I think You and Me shows exactly who we are."

Jane nodded her head with a kind smile, but asked him to elaborate further on the second song. "What do you mean by that?"

"If Haleigh has been anything, it's supportive," he explained more clearly. "She's the one person who doesn't care about my busy career, but at the same time embraces it because she knows how much music means to me just like photography means the world to her. The song is basically saying even though we don't get a lot of time together, we're going to be just fine."

"And are you?"

The musician's gaze shifted over to Haleigh and he released a happy chuckle from seeing her cheekily grin and hold two thumbs-up. "Yeah," he breathed out, his blue eyes twinkling as he looked back at Jane. "We're going to be just fine."

"I have one more question if you don't mind," Jane stated next, her voice filled with hope. The interviews were timed, but this was the last one of the day for Niall before he and Haleigh went back to their hotel. "I know you've had a long day."

"It's perfectly fine," Niall assured, brushing off her concern. "Ask away." 

"What is your favorite thing to do together?" she asked curiously, crossing one of her legs over the other. "When you're not performing or recording new music?"

"Anything we do together I love," Niall quickly responded, pausing to think a little more in depth. "Some days we just spend on the couch, watching golf or other things, and other times when we go out we always have a lot of fun. We're not huge on parties or like, big events, but when we go we always have a blast, yeah."

"You mentioned golf?" Jane raised her eyebrows. "I know that you're obsessed so did it rub off on her or...." Both of them turned slightly from the sound of Haleigh laughing, Niall beaming as she tried to cover it up with her hand. "Based on her reaction, I don't think she enjoys it as much," Jane joked, making the boy chuckle with his girlfriend. 

"It's...growing on her," Niall chose his words carefully, brushing his bottom lip with his finger as he smiled. "I've taken her out to play a few times but she's still learning. It's kind of funny though. Like one time she hit it into the water and she got so frustrated while I was laughing my arse off like the terrible boyfriend I am, but I think once she get's going she likes it." 

"I really want to argue," Haleigh spoke up quietly to Jane, raising to her feet, "but for once, he's actually right. Golf is kind of fun once you learn how to play."

"And that everyone is why I love her," Niall announced, making the two women lightly laugh. "She puts up with me and my weird obsessions."

"Well thank you for your time," Jane concluded the interview, reaching over to shake his hand. 

"Thank you for having me," he nodded at her kindly before the camera shut off and Haleigh could finally walk over to him. After politely saying goodbye to Jane and her crew, Niall pulled the brunette into his side while she wrapped her arms around his torso, underneath his jacket. "Babe, you're freezing," he exclaimed, jumping slightly from her cold hands. "Do you want my jacket?"

"I'm fine," Haleigh shrugged, resting her head on his shoulder as he hugged her back. "Just glad we can finally go to sleep."

Niall gently pressed his lips to her temple for a few seconds and then pulled back slightly to look at her tired face. "Ready to go then?"

"If you are."

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