Part One - Going Up

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 *BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP* *SLAM* The sound of Zayn's hand hitting the snooze button on the alarm clock startles the random body's around him awake. "UGGGGHHHHH!" moans Niall as he rolls over. "Morning boys!" Liam shouts as he enters the living room of the flat both Harry and Louis share.

All five of the boys decided it would be fun to spend the night before they started their North American Tour together. Harry and Louis offered to let everyone spend the night at their flat,  and after a whole night of some drunken games, dares, and yummy food, they were all exhausted.... well all of them besides Liam.

"What time is it?" Harry groans as he snuggles deeper into the blankets that are rapped around him. "Its about... five minutes after six" Liam says looking at his watch " Now will you all get up and start getting ready!? Harry, you still have to pack your suitcase, and I know Zayn takes forever to do his hair" Liam says as he starts to pull the covers off of Niall. Louis manage's to sleepily throw a couch pillow at Liam's face and says "Is there a snooze button on you?" Liam stops and gives him the look of  Excuse me? You did not just go there. "Just because your hungover, doesn't mean that I'm going to have to deal with management when where late to our interview" Liam quickly replies.

 All of the boys were going to be interviewed that morning by the local London radio station and then have a quick photo shoot, eat some lunch and then head to the airport at 8pm. The first stop on their tour was New York City, and all of the boys were excited to go sight seeing. Louis bought a new camera and Zayn bought all the boys tickets to go see the statue of liberty and the empire state building for them to use on their day off. 

"Fine! Where getting up... no need to get ants in your pants." Zayn says as he playfully runs his figers though his hair. "Very funny.." Liam says "But we all need to be packed, feed & outside, getting into the car by 8am" 

Liam was the one that always made sure the other boys in the band were taken care of. He made sure that everyone was on-time and had everything they needed for the day. He hated being late, and if he was, he felt bad.  Today was no exception... He wanted to make sure that no one was going to forget anything. What would happen if Harry realized that he forgot his toothbrush when they were halfway around the world, and where going to be suck there for at least 4 months? Liam thought...... "I mean he can always buy a new one" he mumbled to himself, but that was besides the point. The boys needed to be up, and he wasn't going to let them waste another minute.

Once all the boys where showered and packed, they brought their luggage to the front door. Harry was in the kitchen fixing breakfast. Pancakes, eggs and bacon, the boys favorite. Harry was a great cook!  He always knew just how much vanilla to put in the pancake batter, and never broke the yoke when he made the eggs sunny side up. They all sat down at a long island table in the middle of the kitchen.

"So... Who's excited for New York" Zayn asked. "I am!" Niall shouted "I cant wait to see what kind of food they have!" Niall was always thinking about food. Hes always eating, but you would never think it because hes as skinny as a stick. "I just want to see how hot the girl are in America" interrupted Harry. Louis looked disgusted "Is that all you think about? GIRLS? I mean come on man! Were going to one of the busiest city's in the world, trying to make it big in America, were going site seeing, and all you can think of is how hot girls are?" barked Louis. Harry looks from side to side. "Well.... yes." he says while straightening his back to sit up taller with his chin pointed up. "Unbelievable" mumbles Louis.

Harry has always been interested in girls. From the time he was a little boy to now, hes always taken interest in blonds with brown eyes. He thought that if a girls looks were against the normal brown hair-brown eyes/ blond hair-blue eyes, that the girl was probably special. Since Harry has never left London his whole life, he was excited to see what the girls in other parts of the world looked and acted like. Was that so bad? He wasn't so sure why Louis was acting as if Harry didn't always act that way, but he assumed he was just upset that they were up so early, and brushed it off his shoulder. 

Once the boys where done eating their breakfast, they quickly cleaned up their plates and went to get their bags. "I call window seat" Niall yelled while raising his hand "Good... that way we don't have to smell your farts" Zayn laughed. "They smell like roses" Niall replied with a cheeky wink. As Liam and Harry help the driver place their bags into the trunk; Niall, Louis, and Zayn quickly jumped into the car.  When all the bags were packed, Liam climbed into the front seat of the truck, turned around to the boys and said " Everyone had everything"......"RIGHT?" "Oh hush Liam.. lets just get moving. If any of us were to forget anything, it would be Harry, and we all know that." replied Louis. "HEY! I made a check list this time!" Harry quickly defended himself. "May we drive?" said the driver "Lets go!" said all the boys in unison.

The boys finally arrived at A&A Studios at around 9am. As the car pulled up, a swarm of girls were standing outside the entrance. There were metal gates blocking a path for the boys to walk though. Each boy, one by one, climbed out of the van. While they walking, they stopped for pictures and signed posters, pictures and Cd's. When they were finally inside, the girls started to sing "What Makes Your Beautiful" , which was the boys #1 hit in London. That was the song they were trying to promote on this trip to New York City & the rest of their North American Tour. 

As the boys entered the lobby of the studio, they noticed a long brown haired women sitting behind a desk. They awkwardly walked over and stood there, staring at her. The women didnt even notice them untill Louis said "Uhm...hello?" The brown haired women finally looked up and gave them a little smile "Let me guess... you are the One Direction boys?" she replied with a pissed off tone. "Well of course! Have you not heard the canting outside?" Zayn said trying to make the tension depminish. He  pointed to the glass window behind them. Though the window you could see what looked like a million girls were standing outside, still chanting their name. "They are crazy, huh?" said harry, laughing to himself. "Oh yes, I have.... Its giving me a headache" the receptionist said rudely ".. Now if you don't mind waiting here, while I go up stairs to let everyone know your here.... not like they dont already know.." "Uhm...sure" relied Liam with a nice smile. If she was going to be mean, he would kill her with kindness. 

The receptionist motioned to a few couches that lined the room, as to imply that they should sit and wait there.The browned haired women turned and started to walk away, the boys were staring at her as she went down a long hallway. She finally stoped at a shiny, silver elevator, pressed the arrow pointing up, and waited a few seconds. *BING* The elevator doors opened and she steped inside. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2012 ⏰

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