Chapter 2

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I stood up. I was determined to take the stage like Carli had done. That meant standing in the middle of the room and the middle look a long way across the carpet. As I faced Mr Nichols, I could feel my legs shaking. My heart pounded so loudly I'm sure everyone could hear it.

'I'm Tommi Armstrong,' I said nervously. 'I'm reading from Act 2, Scene 2.'

Too quick. Slow Down. I started, doing my best to keep my voice low and measured and my movements fluid.

I loved the lines I'd picked. When we were studying Romeo and Juliet in school I had found it boring - all the fighting between families. Then we started reading the scenes between Romeo and Juliet. The love scenes. I could feel my neck flushing with the intensity of what I was saying. I looked up into the middle distance, seeing nothing and no one. And for a moment I forgot I was dumpy Tommi Armstrong, neither loved nor in love. I became Juliet.

'my bounty is as boundless as the sea, my  love as deep. The more I give to thee the more I have, for both infinite.' I could feel what that meant I my heart. In my soul. I love you so much, so unselfishly, that it will never run out. I clasped my hands together to try and stop them from shaking. Then I slowly looked up from the carpet. Mr Nichols was staring shrewdly at me. And then he nodded. 'Good.' he said. He looked round the room. 'Now I'm just going to chase up some more refreshments, I wont be long.' He strode out. Suddenly feeling massively self-conscious, I slunk over to Grace and Carli.

'You were great, Tom' Graced beamed at me.

'Thanks.' I replied, blushing.

Carli raised her eyebrows. 'I thought you weren't bothered by which part you got?' I could feel my whole face reddening. Then Carli grinned. 'Not that you fooled me,' she laughed. 'And you were good you cow. I bet you get it.' 

I smiled at her. 'I bet you do. You were brilliant.' I squeezed her arm as I sank down onto the sofa. Suddenly I was filled with relief that it was over. That I'd done it. And done it okay. At that moment I didn't care about paying Juliet or love. I was just glad to be with my friends.

'Hey Grace,' I said. 'You were really good too. I think Liam might have to cope with you being in a play at a boys school after all.' Graces pale face flushed with pleasure. 'Hey Tom,' she breathed 'You really think so?'

Mr Nichols reappeared after a few minutes with a tray of plastic cups, a plate of biscuits and a couple cartons of apple juice. As we each took a drink, he started speaking. 'The standard this evening has been very high.' He coughed. 'I will send a list full of girls invited to take non-speaking parts to your headmistress tomorrow, but for now I would like to see the following people for second readings so that I can assign the main parts: Lola Walker, Grace Duckworth, Carli Bains and Tommi Armstrong.'  Yes. I was up for one of the main speaking pparts. But which one would I get? There was Juliet, of course, plus her nurse - sort of like a nanny from when she was a child - and her and Romeo's mothers. At least I knew I had one of them.

One of them.

One of them wasn't enough. I didn't want to be a boring mother or a sensible nurse. I had to be Juliet. Everyone was chattering again. I glanced across at Carli. Her lips were pressed firmly together. She wanted it too. I knew she did. More than she'd let on.

'Wow, I cant believe it,' Grace squealed, hurling herself at both of us. My plastic cup of apple juice tipped up, all over my jumper. 'Oh, no.' I said. Grace leaped backwards. 'Oh, sorry, Tom. I'm really sorry.' she started dabbing at the dark grey stain on my jumper with her sleeve. I wrenched it away. God. Now I'm going to have to read with a big clumsy mess down my front.

'D'you want me to show you to the bathrooms?' Harry Styles was back again, smiling, flickering over Carli even as he spoke to me. I nodded a grateful 'yes' and slunk off after him.

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