Part 4

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ughhhh omfggg guys i just wrote like half of part 4 and when i tried to switch to a different tab.... well... i clicked a link and i went to a different website and lost ALL of the story :( soooo yeah im like SUPER fricking pissed offffff!!!! so yeah i'll have to restart riiight now..


soo part 4 .. wooopie.


It said: Hey Justin! Is it ok if me, chaz and christian come over? Well, were on our way already & we'll be there in about an hour!

Damn it! Chaz? Ugh.. Don't get me wrong, I love hangin with my buds, but Chaz always tries to steal my girlfriends by flirting. I quickly shut my phone and it was really loud, waking Andy.

Andy: Who was that?

Me: oh nobody...

Andy: tell me!

Me: no!

Andy: *sighs dramatically* fine... then she gets up and gets a glass of water & walks to me, sexily. She wraps her legs around my waist and runs her hand through my hair and kisses my neck softly. I moan a little and lift her chin up and kiss her passionately & before I know it she takes my phone & jumps off of me like a ninja.

Andy: damn it Justin, why do you have to have a lock on your phone?! I grin evily and she hands me my phone.

Me: okay ill just tell you. A few of my friends from Canada are coming over in a bit.

Andy: ohh!

Me: yeah... so well be doing guy stuff.. You know , playing video games eating junk food, wrestling, eating junk food.

Andy: Sounds like fun! Can I come?

Me: umm we're gunna be doing GUY stuff!

Andy: *gives me THE cutest puppy eyes IN the world!* But.. I wanna meet your friends...

Oh I can't say no to that adorable face.

Me: *sighs* fine.. You can come.. But umm.. I was just wondering... you know you do have a HUGE flat screen tv and an XBOX live..

Andy: yes, you can hang at my house *laughs*

Me: YESSS! Thanks babe!


Justin left to go get ready and I did the same. Since we weren't going anywhere special, I decided to wear comfy clothes. So I changed into a sports bra, put a Atlanta Braves (Atlanta's MLB team) t-shirt on, some black, baggy sweatpants & straightened my hair and put a wide stretchy headband on. I put on a little bit of mascara & sprayed myself with Victorias secret perfume. Next thing I know I feel hands squeezing my waist. I knew it was Justin, so I turned around and put my arms around his neck and kiss him passionately. After about 5 minutes of making out, There's a knock at the door.

Justin: that must be the guys! Oh my gosh.. HIDE!!! I HAVE AN IDEA!

I nod my head, Shrug my shoulders and hide in my closet.

I hear lots of footsteps coming up the stairs & hear guys voices.

Justin outside of my room: Okay guys... THIS IS MY ROOM!

??: umm.. Dude?

??: what the hell? Are u serious?

Justin: what? *smirks*

??: this. Is. A. CHICK ROOM!

I knew exactly what he was doing, so I giggled kind of loudly, on accident.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2010 ⏰

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