Chapter 5

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 ...and I felt his arms snake around me just before my world went black.  

My eyes fluttered open to a bright light, blinding me from my surroundings. I squinted and slowly sat up as my fingers dug into the ground; something soft yet grainy. I glanced down and found my hand covered in dirt. I slowly sat up and registered my surroundings. I was in a meadow. It was truly beautiful. Wheat leaves rustled around me, swaying with the light breeze. Trees were in the background but they blurred when I saw the boy who had rescued me from the old man. The memories came back to me and I growled. He fricking punched me! I swallowed my anger and studied him. He was wearing a light grey t-shirt and his brown hair was exposed, gleaming in the sun. He stared at me, and all I could do was stare back. I shifted uncomfortably. That's when I realised he wasn't staring at me. I whipped around and saw a deer, grazing gently. It was so close to me, I could almost touch it. My head whipped back to the boy who was slowly moving towards the deer. I ran up to him and smiled. "Do you know where we-". He squatted down and I put a hand on my hip. "Great so know you're ignoring me?" I asked. He didn't reply. Instead I watched in horror as his skin turned into grey fur and his face turned into a face that I didn't recognize. The only thing that stayed the same was his grey eyes. His body contorted and he was then bigger, much bigger than he was before. Four legs sprang to the floor and a bushy tail whipped out from behind him. My eyes widened as his figure became something I actually did recognized. A wolf.  The top of it's back, along it's spine, was a light brown colour which gradient into a grey. The wolf's stomach was a snow white which ran up from the middle of it's stomach to the bottom of it's mouth. The reality of what I was witnessing hit me and I could only gasp. The boy turned into a freaking wolf. 

I stumbled back as it pounced at the deer. I froze in terror. The deer didn't react fast enough. I yelled out as the deer and the wolf disappeared from my view. I surged forward to see what happened, only to find myself falling, falling into an abyss. I shut my eyes and opened them quickly. I was sprawled out on a concrete floor. I shot my head up and looked at my surroundings. I was in a bright alleyway, each side of the alleyway covered with bricks. A bright neon sign illuminated the alleyway. I pushed myself of the floor and I watched as the same boy was talking to another man. The man was wearing a suit, and had grey hairs sticking out from his head. In one hand, the man held a briefcase and in the other was a knife. I stood about five metres away with a large bin to my left and a door under the neon sign on my right.

"- why we won't be able to do it here".

The boy looked in my direction but he didn't seem to see me. I shifted from foot to foot, uncomfortably as the boy's cold and stable eyes rested on the brown door under the neon sign.  After what seemed as an eternity, the man in the suit stepped forward and pressed the knife into the boy's stomach. In response, the boy stepped back. "Stay the fuck away from me" he said in a growl, shoving the suited man in the shoulder. The other man stepped forward again, pushing the boy back against the brick wall as another figure emerged. The bartender? 

The bartender scowled when he saw the boy and plucked the knife from the suited man's hand. He looked as though he were going to stab the boy. He raised the knife. I gasped. The bartender- Jaxon - whipped around and sniffed the air. I cringed at how strange that looked. "There's someone else here" My eyes widened and I dashed to hide behind the nearby bin. Not everyone is the same!  Why did I assume they wouldn't notice me?

"Who is it?" The suited man asked. "A seeker" Jaxon replied. "Past or future?" "Future". My mind was racing. What's a seeker?, I thought, digging through my memory and trying to figure out why that name rung a bell. Jaxon turned around and in a split second he changed. His transformation was like the boy's. First his skin turned to fur and his clothes ripped apart. The size of the new wolf sent a shiver down my spine and I froze, panicking. What... the... actual...frick. He was bigger than the brown-grey wolf; even though both wolves were unnaturally large.

The brown wolf whipped it's head in my direction and I met it's eyes from behind the bin. It's eyes twinkled with mischief as it inched forward. I didn't dare breath. After a brief pause,  the wolf then turned around and walked to where the man was holding down the boy. The suited man laughed as he pulled the boy off the wall and pushed him towards the wolf. "Oh Mr James, you'll get exactly what you deserve". The wolf pounced at him and they both fell to the floor. The boy struggled to get the wolf off him. The boy shoved at the wolf but all he managed to do was turn himself around before he was pinned down, this time with his back exposed. He clawed the floor around him as the wolf sank it's teeth into the boy's upper back. Then he stopped. I felt the blood from my face drop and only one thought continuously crossed my mind. Is he dead? 

The colour from my vision changed drastically from the normal to colours that resembled a heat camera. The striking red came from right in front of me; the wolf. It was drawing closer and closer towards me. I turned to run but it felt like my feet had been glued to the ground. The wolf pounced and we went down together. The wolf's claws were at my shoulders, shaking me violently. 

"Vivian! Wake up!".

My vision blurred yet I could clearly make out the figure shaking my shoulders. "Vivian!" The boy's face was filled with worry as I sturred, moving in the chair I had found myself in. "Kitten?" the boy questioned. I threw my hands up, annoyed. "Jeez! I'm awake!" I shouted sharply. The boy jumped back, as if he had been shot. I sprang to my feet and glanced around my surroundings before I lunged for the knife on the table next to me. I was surprised by how fast I had managed to grab for it, considering the boy lunged for it almost at the same time as me. I held the knife up to his throat. Now I have the power, I thought giddily. The tip of the knife was rimmed with blood, no doubt my blood. He backed up against the wall and I pressed the knife into his throat harder. 

I licked my lips. He sighed. "Why did you punch me?" I asked. He shrugged. "I felt like it". I had a feeling that this was a lie but I let it slip. For now. "Why-" "Look", he said, quickly cutting me off. "No!" I screamed, far too loud. He shut his mouth and watched me. "You have to answer me!" I whispered. He didn't move nor did he say anything. Instead, he slowly lifted his hand and pushed the knife away from his neck. I released my tight grasp on the knife and let him push it away. He sighed. He moved to walk around me but I swiftly placed my hand on the wall, blocking him with my arm. I licked his perfect lips and smiled at me fakely. "You know, I'm getting tired of these games". In one swift motion he grabbed my arm and before I knew it, my chest was against the wooden wall. I was pinned and far too tired to scream for help. He gently unbuttoned the back of my shirt, regardless of my reckless wriggling. My shirt fell to the ground and I yelped as his cold fingers brushed my shoulder. I whipped my head to the mirror on the right side of the room and examined myself. The long gash that came from the old man's knife wasn't were it was supposed to be. It wasn't anywhere. I pushed the boy off me and stormed over to the mirror. All that was left behind was a light scar. "Explain!" I growled, twisting on my foot to look at the boy. He merely shrugged and walked out. I grabbed my shirt, put it on my shoulders and followed him out of the house and watched as he climbed into his car.

He sat and watched me as I stood on the porch. Finally he turned around. "Are you getting in?" His hair rustled in the breeze and his eyes searched my face. I nodded slowly before climbing into the car. We drove off and I tapped my foot impatiently. What type of lunatic am I, getting into the car of someone who, semi-kidnapped me, punched me and then undressed me!, I thought. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the boy smile. "Where are we going?" I demanded, hoping for once that I might get a straight answer. "Where do you want to go?". Dammit. Maybe I have to teach this guy how to answer probably. Seriously, who answers a question with another question. "Hom-" I began. "Too bad kitten. We're going where I wanna go". Frick you, nameless boy.

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