Life is perfect

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2 months later

"How is my beautiful pregnant wife?" Jamal asked as I flushed the toilet. I'm pregnant and today is really not good day. I've been throwing up since 6 am. It is now 12 in the afternoon.

"Horrible." I answered plopping back down into the bed. "Aw baby. Is there anything I can do?" he cooed. "Yes. Get this thing out of me."

Jamal laughed but I was serious. "Paige it'll be over before you know it," "But-" I ran back to the bathroom throwing up again. "Baby I think I should take you to the hospital .. it's not safe for the baby. You've been throwing up for 6 hours." "Jamal I'm fine. I just need to eat something." "Okay I'll get some soup." He's everything I've ever wanted. I'm so lucky. I feel like everything is perfect. Jamal walked back in interrupting my thoughts. "Here baby." he said feeding me some soup with a spoon. "I love you," .. "so much." He looked me in my eyes and smiled "I love you more Paige.".

3 months later

I was getting so big. And I know this is only the beginning. I was on my way to a doctors appointment. Today I was going to find out the sex of my baby. Me and Jamal thought about just waiting till i delivered the baby to find out the sex but we both just can't wait ! "Wanna bet on the sex?" I said. "I will bet you 10 dollars it's a boy."

"Paige 10 dollars." he said laughing at me. "Let's just bet it's a boy." I replied. I wanted a boy so bad. I've always wanted my first child to be a boy. By the time we got to the waiting room I was so excited I couldn't keep still. I was pretty happy to be 5 months pregnant.

Inside the waiting room

"Hello Mrs. Taylor. How are you today?" my doctor asked. "I am doing wonderful. And you today sir?" "Same." he answered while his glove made the smacking noise on his hand. He put the gel on my stomach and looked at the monitor. "Any problems lately?"

"Not anything that shouldn't be happening." "Good." My baby's head was so big. But I loved him or her. "The baby looks healthy. I don't see anything wrong. Congratulations on your baby boy Mr and Mrs. Taylor." he said handing us the sonogram picture. I knew it ! I was so excited. This just makes me want him here even more now ! The whole ride home all I talked about was baby names. "Jamal Jr.? Kyle? Elijah? Deon? Or or or Jason?" "Well I personally like Kyle and Jason." "Kyle Jason Taylor !-" "Babe we both need time to think. I know your excited but we can't just go making final decisions on the name." ... "Well okay." That honestly hurt my feelings. I can't be excited? I walked into the house without saying a word and immediately went and took a bath. When I got out Jamal wanted me to sit down cause he had something to tell me. "I know this isn't the best time right now baby but I have to take a business trip." he said uneasy. "Oh those are just across town I'll be fine-" "There sending me out to New York for a week Paige." That's the worst thing that I've heard all day. I mean I understand it's only a week but I need him here. "You need to tell them you can't go. I mean your wife is pregnant for God's sake." "I could loose my job. It'll only be a week. I want you to stay with your mom while I'm gone." "When are you leaving?" i said cutting him off. "Tomorrow."

I am beyond pissed right now.

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