so much to live up to

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Leader of the neanderthal was one of the of the best worrors in the hole of parrdoc his name was Sami strong looking man with write long hair a strong ching and gray eyes. He has two children Amora and Connor. The oldis of the children is Amore she has black hair a small nose for a neanderthal a round face and little mouth big gray eyes she looks like her father . He trained her to be a good worror to. And Connor he is the apply of his fathers eye short black hair a weak chin but he makes up for that with his hight he is taller then most of the neaderthals . Him and his sister when to the wall to train thats what happens to young neaderthals they spend three years of there life there. Connor woke up to his father son, you leave today. i want to see you and Amora to meet me in the hall. i wanna have a big meal before you leave . Father you dont have to do that we do what a big fuss. I am really exited i wanna prove myself  at the wall. Get your sisther and meet me at the hall. Alright father he gave his a smile. He walks to Amora room walks in. A spear just misses his face . What the hell you doing you could of killed me Connor said with a angry face. Oh hello Connor i couldnt sleep last night i was so exited i cant  wait to serve at the wall. The thing is we will be treaded diffenet .beacuse of are father so that doesnt matter said Amora . I wont she said i am his daughter. Your lucky Connor said i have this pressor on me to be the best. So what said Amora i would welcome it . Sister i no you would he gave her a warm smile and held her hand father wants us to meet him at the hall they walked to the hall. They open the doors and the hole room cheered the other young neaderthals stood in line. Sami sat in his chair and looked down at them with with glee. He stud up and he looked that everyone and now for all you that are serving at the wall. This food and drink is for you hope all learn from it now eat. Connor looked around he saw everyone smiling happy and he though to him self this will be fun.they finished there chicken and drunk some water. Connor look at Amora and smiled. Two guys sat next to him. He looked at them and Jason said. Hay my name if Jason and this Jon. Connor said hello. Jason had long black heir , and a big face but he was skinny with blue but looked nervos.And his big brother Jon  and short brown hair he was taller and bigger then his little brother and more conferdent . Jon looked at Connor smiled and then he looked at Amora shes looks good there only three over females going to the wall. But they are not as sexy as that girl. Connor looked at him he was very angry .thats my sister. You prick; Connor sqears up to Jon but. Jons bigger calm down friend. I didnt no that was your sister. Connor sat down again,took a bit bite of his chicken. Jason said sorry about my brother he is a bit of a hot head sometimes. Its ok sometimes i loss my temper and dont think, Jason smile so whats your name then ? I am connor he shook Jasons hand . I am not looking foward to the wall Jason said ,i am said Connor i wanna prove myself, me to said Jon. of the younger people stand up walk in line next the wall. Jason Jon and Connor Amora walk together nervous but exited at the same. Connor said to Jason and Jon this his is my sister Amora hello said Jason . Jon smiled at her so you anygood with that spear said Jon . Yeah i am good , prove it said Jon so she hits him in the leg and then the stomach he goes to his knee. She points the spear at him, Jasons face looked shocked i win . She walks off Jon gets up and pushs  jason over. Keep walking said Connor Jon was shalking the whole way to the wall.OPEN THE GATES . He hears  wow Connor said this place his amazing . New people stand around my name Jamie black foot. Connor knows who he is, my father spoke of him, he and my father defened the blackfoots. That war went on for to long my father nealy die. He had no hair but a he had a beard long was black he had a scear from his forehead to his cheek he was  small but he made up for it by being  a good worror. he would teach us so much . When i point at you tell me your names. He point at Jason first, i am jason  you my name is Jon . And you i am connor  that name. He looks at his face, you are Sami son yes people he is the son of are leader. You no i fought with your father, i no he speaks about you alot. Did he tell you that i save him, yeah he did and you. my name is Amora. You are his daughter yes i am Amore said with a smile on her face and she looked pround of her father. After everyone told him there names. All go to to bed we will start early. Connor and Amora can i see you two, so how did you convince your father to let you come here . It was his idea just to let you no i am making Connor the leader what why said Connor. Thats just going to make the others hate me. I am making you the leader becuse i no your father trained to be the best. What about me said Amora looking annoyed. I am not leaving you out. Amora we have ranging partys outside of the wall i need some to lead people out there. Connor looked at his sister she cant go out there are humans are out there and they are dangrous. Dont you think i could lead them? . Sister i didnt mean it like that i just dont want you to get hurt. I wont little brother you worry to much. She looks at Jamie how many do i get to lead?. I will hand pick people for you, how long will i be out side of the wall months maybe you have to stop the redface men they been getting closer to the wall. Amora looked at brother said you dont have to watch over me i can handle myself. I know you can Amora. Jamie look angry at them stop fighting and shut up i am still talking Connor i need to speak to you first so Amora i need you to tell everyone that i made connor the leader of the wall. Connor what about you. I am still the leader Connor but you are under my wing. Go Amora yes sir she bow and left. Amora was glad that she is gets to see the humans and fight it is said my father a ranger thats how he got so good with a sword. She was smiling humming to her self when walking to the hall. She opened the gate. Men and woman where eating talking really loud, everyone she screamed really loud everyone stoped and looks at her, hello everyone she said i just come back from seeing jamie he has told me that i am the leader of the rangers and Connor is then leader of the wall so. Everyone was looking at her as she was mad. Connor i want you to no that your father had a hand in malking you a leader. He wanted me to make you become a really good leader. To be honist Jamie i dont want to be leader i wanna be normaily like the rest of them. I understand your father was same he wanted to work for it. So you understand Jamie yes i do leave then. Connor walked into the hall people was clapping him, jason ran up to him well done man you are the new leader. No i not i turned it down, why would you do that said jon. Maybe becuse he didnt want it to be handed to him, thats right said Connor with a proud look on his face. I want to yern it by being the best.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2018 ⏰

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