Chapter 1

978 27 10

Sonata's Pov.

I briskly walk into Mae's place, the local bakery, in which I am going to meet my brother. The bell rings as I walk in, and I smile at the cashier, catching a seat at the counter. I flip my dark hair behind my back as I twiddle my thumbs, waiting, always waiting for Tommy. I lean against the mint green cushion of my seat, rattling my fingers against the all white counter.

"Hey Nata," a familiar voice stirs me of my un-relentless boredom.

"Hi," I look up, my eyes meeting bright green ones. "Have you talked to Tom?" I ask, getting quite frankly annoyed, I hate waiting.

"Nah," he sighs, sitting across from me. "But I can wait with you, the manager won't mind if I sit out a minute." I shrug, not really caring to be honest. Harry is a nice person in general, my brothers best friend or not, so this isn't anything special.

"So, what're you meeting Tom for?" He wriggles his hands around and I keep my eyes on them. They're rather large.

"Oh I guess he just wanted to have lunch?" A concerned look masks my face as I think about it. Me and my brother are close, if I'm being quite honest he's my only friend, well, aside from Harry. It's just weird he would want me here to meet him, randomly.

"Your brother," he smirks, cocking an eyebrow.

"Your best friend" I smirk back. He looks very cute, flour covering his nose and adorning his apron, I love seeing him work in here.

"Has it been busy today?" I ask and he looks at me oddy and I frown. "What is it?"

"You look very nice today." He completely changes the subject and I find myself blushing. He sounds very confident and he's smiling madly. My inner psyche laughs, throwing her head back, and saying: 'yeah fatass you look nice today. Ha! Yeah right!'

I push the thoughts away, wiping my hands on the side of my pants. I can't help but feel overwhelmingly and completely self conscious.

"Thanks," I allow myself to say, biting my nails. Harry looks at me, weird expression on his face, the smile disappearing.

"Why do I have to wait so long?" Harry looks doll-drommed and his voice is barely audible.

"Harry wh-" he places his hands on my cheeks, leaning in and locking our lips. I find myself leaning with the kiss, my hands by my sides. His lips feel warm and soft, but once I understand what's happening I pull away. Standing up from my seat, I run out the door. I am confused, I have no idea how to feel. His face is the last thing I see as I leave.

He looks crestfallen and dejected.

(A/N: Hey guys this is a new Fanfiction that me and my friend started I, Katelyn am here for this one and I'm sure she will introduce herself for the next chapter. Please vote/comment/etc this story to help it grow. Thank you!)

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