Chapter four

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We all arrive at school. Nick, Jack, and I didn't talk the whole way there. Jack tried smiling and said hello but I just looked away.

We all got out and I started walking. I purposely brought my bag in the car so I could get out and not have to talk to either of those dicks.

I start to walk without saying goodbye. I didn't want to hear that shit head say I was beautiful obviously I wasn't, I knew it too. He was just saying that to get me to like him.

I don't know why I even care if he was using me it's not like I liked him. Yeah he was very attractive. He also has those beautiful hazel eyes. The way he makes me feel when he grabbed me made me feel so warm inside. But I didn't like him. At all. Okay maybe a little. No. No. I don't.

"Amber!" Jack yelled.

"What?" I said sternly.

"What's wrong?"

"Why are you flirting with me?"

"Because I like you."

"Oh yeah okay." I said sarcastically.

"What do you mean." he said aggressively.

"You have a girlfriend," I was pretty much yelling now, " and your just using me to make her jealous and that doesn't really make me feel better about myself."

"Who told you that?"

"Nick did yesterday!"


"No just stop talking to me and flirting I don't give a shit about what you have to say."

I walk away I don't want to look back at his face or even think of him. He hurt me and I'm not feeling so high on life right now.


I turn around to see my friend Laurel. I knew it was her from her loud voice. She started talking about our lab project. I wanted to tell her what happened but I was still pissed so I just responded to all her question. Her grayish-blue eyes looked at me. She knew something was wrong.

"Amber what's wrong?"

"There is just a lot of assholes in this world."

I looked at my shoes listening to her talking softly to me.

The bell rang. I have math with two people I hate. I walk in and Jack is sitting there nervously. Mr.Mathews looks up and tells me to take a seat.

I sit down trying to act like Jack wasn't there.


I ignored him the whole class. He kept trying to get my attention but if I looked at him I would fall for him again.

Immediately after the bell rang I walked to my locker. I knew he would follow.

"Hey we need to talk." he said when I stopped by my locker.


"Amber I need to explain."

"Like I told you this morning I don't give a shit."

I slammed my locker and walked away. He was pushing through people trying to get to me. I slipped into my classroom and practically ran to my seat. All the nerds were all talking about there weird wizard game.

They all gave me weird looks. I guess they haven't seen anyone come in as early as them.

"What!" I annoyingly said.

They all turned around and started whispering again. The class starts to fill up. The bell finally rings.

After all my classes I saw Jack looking for me. Luckily I was smaller then him and blend into the crowd. We played chase the rest of the day. I didn't want to talk or even look at him. I don't want be with him or his dumb ass girlfriend.

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