Halves of a whole?

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believe me when i say. I actually don't know what i feel right now. like my whole of a self is being divided into halves; one that actually enjoys jimin's company. It felt it was the same as before, those lies he had set upon me. the other half is just pure hatred and bruised. wanting to be anywhere but beside him. 
end this misery. i wanted to get away from him, this guy beside me whom i'm laughing along with at the time was the one who lied to me at the beginning. and oh not to mention! he some point hated me because of my physical appearance? 
how shallow can a person be? 

I brought the pencil to my lips nibbling thinking of the possibilities of outcomes of the math problem that was given to me. 
"Yah!" an abrupt noise snap me out of my brainstorming. i turned to look at jimin raising a brow. 
"is it weird that you look awfully familiar." 
oh shi- did he figure it out already?
i started to panic, A rAt- a RaT sTolE mY iDenTItY-
no. that's not it. i don't think rats like my face- (cOZ rEaDeR-ChaN is beAUtiFUl- )
He plastered a smile, his eyes forming the shape of a crescent. that one smile that gives you weak knees? yea that one. 

(jEsuS tAKe THe WHeeL //smacked) Is it hard to believe that this boy- wait no man to be eXacT

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(jEsuS tAKe THe WHeeL //smacked) 
Is it hard to believe that this boy- wait no man to be eXacT. is now smiling adorably at you but lied to you in the past? 

I clicked my tongue before closing my book right in front of his face before packing up my stuff. 
"wah- leaving already y/n-ah?" 
"yes. jimin-SSHI. "i got up and left. this man was mixing everything, it's getting confusing. one thing that i learned from my mistakes. i don't want to be stuck in a same cycle, same heartbreak, same story. I hate- no hate is not enough; I utterly despised it. 

It's better to avoid the one who caused it all. To cause all of it. and that was jimin. 


It wasn't the same anymore. My old group of friends to be exact. They weren't the same. 
most them changed, and i respect that. I myself have change; iv'e become wiser and more aware of what is going around me. The y/n whom fell for everyone's trap wasn't here; she's long dead.  

The ones that didn't change, and had mend their relationship with me was; Jinlee, bambam and baekhyun. the others weren't the same; D.O surprisingly was busy and decided to take on the heir of their family business in which he strongly refused to take back then. 

Kim Ji, haneul and lay drifted apart; Kim ji decided to moved in with her mother in france. while haneul took off to move in with her father to japan both recently just took off to their flight and of course with a proper goodbye. 

My recent friends, Mi-hee and hye-in both supported me. and were just introduced to bambam, jinlee and baekhyun. i guess they got along well, except for hye-in's and baekhyun's constant bicker. 
it mostly went like, who's the strongest, to who's food is much better. 

I twiddle with the pen in my hand, as i continue to stare at the teacher. I couldn't pay attention to the lesson. It never really occurs to me that there was quiz tomorrow but i'm too bored out of my mind to listen, so hey bad grades what's up? 

Mi-hee slammed dump a shitton of books onto my desk not to metion without warning me. 
"you disrespectful little shi-"  she hushed me, "hush hush ho3." 
Bambam chuckled, "why don't we head down to a nearby bubble tea shop?" 
Baekhyun brought a finger under his chin as he continue to think. 
"mh, sure. i'm up for it, how about you y/n?" i turned to him, checking on my watch after i nodded as a okay. 
"sure. mi-hee? hye-in?, jinlee?" 
"sure." Mi-hee exclaimed with great enthusiasm followed by jinlee's approving nod. 
Hye-in frowned. "sorry guys, gotta take care of my cousin. That hoe couldn't cut an onion right. "
I laughed. "good luck with that." i saluted to her which she replied with a im-so-done-with-my-life-and-i-hate-you face. we laughed it off. 

We waved goodbye to hye-in as she head to the other direction as we head forth.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2018 ⏰

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