Meet Ink Sans

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O MY GOSH! O MY GOSH! O MY GOSH! O MY GOSH! GASP!!!! (Just like the video below)

I totally freaking out with excitement as my inner Fanboy trying to burst out of me. I just randomly walk around while looking all the paper AU's in the air not knowing i could bump someone.

OOF! I turn around to see INK SANS!!?

This is the best day EVER! While my fanboy almost couldn't contain myself, i could see Ink skeletons face full of surprise. Then he snap out of it as he blink his none existing eyelids at me.

"Woah! I mean... sorry. I didn't see you there. My name i-"

"I can't believe! Ink Sans!? Your..your real..." i interrupt him which makes him look more surprise.

I try to touch his bony chubby cheek and it feels like a normal persons cheek. HOW IS THAT EVEN POSSIBLE!? As i touch his cheek with a palm of my right hand i could see his face covers with rainbow blush like all those fan arts i've been reading.

And they are right,........ he is adorable.

"Um....yeah i'm real. Since you know my name, can i know yours?" he smile sheepish yet polite to ask my name.

"Sorry, got carried away. (Clear throat) I'm Adam. And i'm guessing we'r in a Doodle Sphere, right?"

"Yup! Hey, do you like arts?"

Wow. That's a straight forward questions.

"Actually yeah. In fact, i prefer digital arts since i like to mix between Photoshop and illustrator. Wanna see it?"

Hear this makes Ink eye socket into stars despite one blue and one yellow.


From that moment, Ink and i have been sitting together on a floor drawing, shading, including sharing tips whatever we learn something new together. We even jokes together even though i'm not fond with PUNS.

After that, i occasionally running around looking any paper AU which has a name on it. (Just like in the video again)

"Oh! Its that Undertale? Cool!" i started point the first one.

"Yeah an-"

"OMG! Underswap! Here too?!" i run towards the second one.

"Huh?! I..yeah an-"

"Gasp! Underfell!? No way!!" i run another au again away from poor Ink who is difficult trying to chase after me.


"Wow! X-tale!? I thought only Underverse has one!"

"Um..Adam wai-"

"Yes? Is something wrong?"

I smile sweetly at him pretending nothing wrong despite i make Ink sans more dizzy than before. I could see a question mark in one of his eye socket until he blinks back into his normal eye light shapes.

"Is just that which AU are you coming from?" he ask.

"Actually im not from any AU. I'm from a type of universe where everything in this place and the AU'S are nothing but stories created by many people."

I said it while imagine a drama song played as i tell the truth. Hearing this makes Ink face become poker as his eye socket became hollow. This got me worried.

"UM....Ink?" i wave my hand in front of him to see if i broke him or what.

Suddenly he grab me with both of his hand while look at me like Blueberry Sans.

"Really! Are you series!? Oh my gosh! I can't believe it! No wonder you knew my name as i thought yo-"

He said it so...... much like Blueberry sans. Wow......i never seen the side of him. Wow. until i can't take it anymore.

"Ink! Ink! I get it, man. I get it. Hold your horses. You almost act like Underswap Sans."

"Hehe, sorry." he feel sheepish as he rub behind his skull while blushing rainbow on his face.


This brought both of us attention as Ink took out his cell phone and answer. As Ink start talking to his phone, i could hear a panic loud voice enough to make him move his skull away from his cell for a while. But he continue to talk and shortly he said he'll be there before he hung up.

"I have to go. One of the evil Sanses terrorize again. I'll see yer around"

"Okay. Bye!"

Ink use his huge paint brush as he splash one of his paint on the floor and dive right in. Leaving me alone in this Doodle Sphere.

I can't believe i tried to make my own portal end up in fan base universe. Which means i am so........gonna love this adventure.

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