how you met

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Candy Store - in the recording studio - Heathers the Musical

Bruce Wayne // Batman

You were going to your first day of being an assistant for the one and only Bruce Wayne.

You walk in the building you were supposed to meet someone at and sit on one of the chairs, waiting for someone to direct you to where to go. You were looking at your phone and trying to clear some things off of it when a shadow looms over you. You look up and see Bruce Wayne hovering over you.

You stand up.

"Hi I'm Y/N Y/L/N"

"Bruce Wayne. I'm excited to work with you"

"Same here" You smile

He leads you to an elevator and to your own office which surprises you

"This is surprising?"

"I didn't think I would have a whole office" you laugh nervously "but thank you"

"Of course, I want my assistant to have the best" he smiles and he leaves you to set things up.

Clark Kent // Superman

You were on your way home one night when you felt a presence behind you. You slightly turn your head and see a man following you.

'Well dang" you think to yourself 'this is one of those movie things where I get kidnapped'

"Hey, pretty lady," the creepy man says, approaching you faster.

"Hi," You said nervously, immediately regretting your decision of responding

"Can I take you to my place, I'll show you a good time" he smirks and starts to walk backward in front of you.

"Uh sorry, I have to get to my home" you try to walk around the man but he doesn't let you

"Then lets just got to your place"


"I don't think she wants you" a strong male voice speaks from somewhere"

You both look up and see its Superman.

"U-uh O-o-of course" the guy scurries of a Superman lands in front of you

"Would you like me to walk you home, miss..."

"Y/N and I'm right over there" you laugh nervously as he nods, smiles, and flies off.

Arthur Curry // Aquaman

You were currently in Iceland visiting your brother who had issues decorating and since you loved to do that he invited you over. You brought boxes and bags full of things he may like and currently had a cart and was pushing it towards his place. You got done setting his house up and he treated you to the bar. You both were sitting down when the door slams open and a man comes in with fish.

"Whos that," you ask your brother

"Arthur, he brings in the fish"

"Oh?" you look back and see his eyes settle on you-you quickly turn back around and order another shot. You sense the Arthur Curry man approaching you.

"Hello little lady, haven't seen you around here"

"And you won't be seeing more of me so bugger off"

You thank the bartender and down your shot

"Slow your roll little lady"

"I would appreciate it if you call me something other than a little lady, sir" you glare harshly at the built strange man. "Than give me a name to call you" he raises an eyebrow.

You sigh frustratingly and look at your brother but he just shrugs.

"If you must. My name is Y/N. Y/N L/N"

"Arthur. Arthur Curry," he smirks and looks you up and down.

"Hm," you reply curtly.

He sighs "why are you being so difficult"

"Well I'm not gonna throw myself at you because by the looks of you your cocky because of it"

"You're different, Y/N L/N, I like that"

"But?" you reply

"I'm gonna get you one day" he smiles and you leave with your brother trailing behind you

Barry Allen // The Flash

You were facing off dudes in an alley

You had powers and decided to do something about crime and problems in the city. You were taking on a gang of males and females in some alley when they knocked your katanas from our hands. Now you had other skills than being a skilled assassin like woman, powers more than skills, but you don't like using them very often.

You had most of them down but two came up behind you and had you cornered and trapped.


You tried to get out of there grip but you weren't strong enough.

"I think you guys should leave the lady alone" a voice startles you all and they look to see the flash.

I breathe out and sink into the wall as the guys release me and try to fight off the flash.

Soon they're all down and the flash walks over to me

"Are you, um ok?" he says nervously"

"Yeah thanks to you" he smiles and I tell him I have to get home. We say goodbye and I walk home with happiness in my heart

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