Exploration/capture (Part 2)

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I walk down the path. "Such a beautiful place, why am I not aloud to come out here?" I look at all the trees and hear the animals and the sounds of nature. I decide to set up camp in the middle of a clearing. "There, now time to set up a little trap so I'm a bit safer." I set it all up, a trip wire with a bell attached to it, a spike trap, and another wire that if someone gets near, a light will turn on and wake me up. "Phew, done." I set up a camp fire and cook up some food. "Mmm, never thought how good I can cook." I say to myself. I look up and see the stars. "Wow, never saw the stars like this. They are so bright and beautiful." I hear the bell ring. "Shit." I grab my sword. "Should have gotten some other weapons." I look around for whoever made the bell go off. The spike trap was triggered but no one was in there, and the light was on. "They are very close." I look rapidly everywhere and worried. Where, where is it? I look everywhere. "No hard feelings kid, but I had to do this." I turn and get hit over the head. (The temptation for all the reference in this book XD)

I wake up in a room. "Ugh, what happened? Oh, now I remember. I got knocked out." I say. I look around, maybe I can escape? I look outside the cell, so I'm captured? Interesting. Don't really know what to do at this point, never thought what would happen if I get captured. I put my hand on my chest and feel off. "Hmm?" I look down and see why. The golden heart locket is gone. "WHAT?!" I scramble around for the locket. "Where? Where is it?!" What I didn't know is that someone was watching me. "You looking for this?" I turn to the deep voice. I couldn't tell who it was due to the cloak, but he was tall, like 7'0". He was spinning the heart locket on his finger. "This is real gold isn't it? Could sell it and I be set for life." I got slightly up set. "Please, don't. Its the only thing I got from a friend before I..." I can't say I'm a prince, I would be a hostage. "I got lost from my walk." I say. "Hmm, whatever. I'm keeping it." He says with what I think is a smirk. I got so pissed I grabbed a rock in the cell and threw it at his head. "Ow! Grrrrr." He walks up to me and grabs my shirt and pulls me to him. "Listen here you little shit, I don't care if your a prisoner, I can still beat up to d-" I wasn't listening to him and I looked at him. I can finally see what he looks like. He was a werewolf with devil red eyes, knife like teeth, and I can smell his breath of nasty food. He noticed I wan't listening and he smirked. "So you finally noticed, heh, least your not stupid." He removed his hood. His fur was black with a hint of dark blue. He throws me down. "Now, be a good prisoner and shut up." He walks away and left the hallway. I smirk and pulled out the locket. "Good thing I was able to pickpocket him." I open it and look at the picture. Hope he is ok right now. I hold it tightly.

The next day

I wake up in my crummy cell. Ugh, not a dream. I get up and see a different guard at the door. He was a wolf with a headband and light fur. He actually looked friendly, maybe I can at least start a conversation with him.

 He actually looked friendly, maybe I can at least start a conversation with him

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(What he looks like, and this is my friend's pic he got

I walk to the door, "Hello? are you new here?" He just noticed me, "Waa!" He fumbled with his spear and it fell on the ground. "D-didn't notice you, and no." He gets back to his position. "So, why am I hear? If you know why?" I asked. "Don't know." He shrugs and gets back to work. "All I know is that I have to guard you specifically." I look all over his body. Well I can tell he is strong, if he attacked my kingdom, we would lose in 5 minuets. I laugh to myself as I hold my locket.

I was on the bed and the gate opened. "Hm?" I look and go to the open cell, can I escape? I get out and I was forced on the ground. "What the?!" I look behind me but I was force back to looking at the ground. I feel something tied on my hand. "I demand you tell me what's going on!" I yell. I got smacked on the back of my head. "Quiet prisoner!" I decide to stay quiet. I get picked up and set on my feet. "Walk prisoner, now!" I do as I'm told and was taken to a room with a chess board in the middle of the room. "Sit right there." The clocked thing pointed to a small seat, looks like a kiddy chair. I sit down and my knees reach my chin if I lean forward. "So, this is the person who was on out land? Pathetic." I hear the thing say, but I could not find it. "Wh-who said that? I will let you know I'm st-strong!" I get slightly pissed. "Heh, I bet." The person who said it revealed himself behind a curtain. He was in a clock too. "Ok, what's with everyone wearing a freaking cloak here? Is this a cult of some kind?" I say in a pissed tone. "No, we just want to." He says as he removed all of his cloak. He was a werewolf too, but had armor on. (The one in the picture of this book.) "Why am I here? I did nothing to harm you." He chuckles. "Well, you went into our land, so I got my soldiers to get you. Now, how about a game of chess?" He sit down and moves a pawn. "Ooook then?" I switch the rook and the king piece with each other. Best offense is defense. I think to myself. "Heh, nice." He advance a pawn to me. I notice a group of wolves surrounded us, but I didn't care. I decide to hum a song (whatever song you like. I my self chose Jump up, Super Star from Odyssey.) I take his pawn out and wait for his move. He move his queen to attack my king. "Checkmate." He says as the wolves howl like they won. "No, no, no." I make a pawn destroy the queen. So simple. He looked at the mistake he made and I look at him sheepishly and smirk. "Come on, I don't want to grow old here before you move." He growl and set his pawn forward. "Heh." I move my rook at his kind. "Checkmate. Game set and match." He looked liked he was frozen in time as the other wolves look the same. "Well, you are going against a pro when it comes to chess." I say. "Though, I have to say, your not a strategist to say the least." I say. Next thing you know, he flips the chessboard and hit hits my head. "Oww, pissed much?" I say and the wolf that lost the game was on top of me. "HOW!? I'M THE KING OF CHEST?!" He was so close that I could smell his breath. Hot, a bit wet. I saw a bit of blood on his teeth. "So? A king's reign always come to a end at one point." I say. "Oh, we got a funny one here? Fine. Take him to the room." He said. I heard a few gasp. "The room?" I was picked up and taken to "The room." It looked like a regular bed room. A king bed, a seat, regular room stuff. I decide to explore the room. I look at the bookcase. Lots of books. I decide to grab a book and read some of it. ...It's a 18+ comic. I can tell it was recently "used." I drop it on the bed and shake my hands. "It was... slightly hot?" My face grows red as I shake my head. I decide to explore more and I fall on the floor and face plant into a pile of sweaty pile of clothes and armor. I looked and saw my nose was on his underwear. I blush but I didn't want to move. I sit down next to it and grab it. It was a underwear that says "You like meat?" I blush as I slowly bring it close to my face. "Ahh! I can't control my body!" It gets to my nose and I smell it. The sweat enchants my nose. I can tell he is a fighter. I smell it more. "Mmm, so warm." I smile as his scent enters my nose. "Wow, you like my scent that much?" I stop as I slowly turn my head and look at the guy I beat in chess. "U-umm." I blush intensely. "Ummmm, I can explain." I say. He smirks and notices the comic on his bed. "Seems someone was a bit adventurous~" I blush as he moves a bit closer. I can smell his musk from here. It was strong and... sexy. I feel hard as I turn the other direction. I am picked up and placed on the bed. It was comfortable. "So, how should I punish you~" He says. "P-punish?"

And now I'm a dick cause this is the end of the chapter. I know, "Where is our sex?! We need sex cause there obviously isn't about 50 million other sex things on this site." You will get it next chapter, trust me. Anyway, hope you like this book. And as always ZOOM ON MY SQUAD!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2018 ⏰

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