Exciting news, etc.

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Hello gentle reader,

Thank you again for reading THE BRIGHT AND THE LOST! I hope you enjoyed it. If you did, please don't hesitate to vote or leave me a comment on it. I appreciate your support more than I can say.

I'm adding this page in this book to keep you updated on recent news about THE BRIGHT AND THE LOST and my writing in general. Do scroll down for details and don't hesitate to get in touch!



THE BRIGHT AND THE LOST has been nominated for the Fiction Awards in the Historical Fiction category! If you liked this story and wish to see it win, you may support it by voting here:


All you have to do is make an inline comment next to my book saying '+1'. Voting is unlimited (meaning you can vote more than once) and open until 3d September 2018. 

Thank you very much in advance for your support!




I'm thrilled to announce that I'm going to be traditionally published! The U.S. publisher Feiwel & Friends (Macmillan) has bought my debut IN THE SHADOW OF THE SUN and its sequel!

I've been working on those books for many months now (hence the delay in updating THE YOUNG AND THE DARK, sorry!). Here is the pitch for it:

"France, 1661 - Henriette of England must navigate her arranged marriage to Louis XIV's brother while keeping her magical abilities a careful secret from all at the Sun King's court, but when a mysterious sorcerer uses a forbidden spell to murder royal magicians, she must decide if she will reveal her powers to help Louis defeat him and build a new, enchanted seat of power -- the Palace of Versailles."

I have been seeking traditional publication for nearly 7 years (!) and it's a dream come true for me. When I was ready to give up, Wattpad has helped me reconnect with my love for writing, and I'm incredibly grateful to all of you who've supported me since I joined this platform.

I'm absolutely delighted to share this great news with you at last, and I can't wait for you all to meet Henriette and follow her magical adventures at the French court!



My YA Historical Fantasy debut IN THE SHADOW OF THE SUN now has a cover and a release date (February 11th, 2020)! You can add it on Goodreads and preorder it if you want!


IN THE SHADOW OF THE SUN will be translated in German and published in Germany in 2020!



Thanks to Blackstone Audio, THE BRIGHT AND THE LOST is going to be an audiobook, with THE FORBIDDEN ROOM as bonus content! Both stories will be available to listen to in 2020.


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