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It's been almost two months, I can't ride in a car any longer. I need to be back on my bike, I walked out to the living room seeing that I was the only one home, I smiled and went into the garage. I looked at my bike then opened the garage door, I got on my bike starting it then slowly backed out of the garage. I closed the garage door and headed towards the ice cream parlor, they are going to be mad at me for not riding in my car but damn I miss riding my bike. I was stopped by a red light and looked to my left seeing Sheriff Jerry, she hasn't really been a pain in the ass lately so I'm okay with if for now. She noticed me and slightly waved, I nodded and saw the light turn green and started heading towards the club. I parked around the corner and got off my bike walking around to the parlor, I walked inside and looked around.

Happy:"What are you doing here Addie?"
Me:"None ya, where's Ope and Jax?"
Happy:"Upstairs, you need me to get em?"
Me:"No. I'll go upstairs, thanks Hap."
Happy:"Of course."

He smiled and I walked up the stairs and through the door seeing Opie, Jax, Bobby and Chibs sitting at the table. Opie's back was towards me so I crept up behind him,

Me:"What are you doing?"

Opie jumped and looked up,

Opie:"What are you doing here? Your supposed to be at home."
Me:"Got bored, plus nobody was there."
Opie:"How did you get here?"
Me:"My bike..."
Jax:"Addie you aren't supposed to be riding your bike yet."
Me:"I know but I miss riding plus my car wasn't there."
Opie:"Yea sorry that's my fault I didn't feel like riding my bike today figured I would give it a break since I've been having problems with it lately."
Jax:"Why haven't you taken it to TM?"
Opie:"Haven't had the time yet."
Me:"Now that's my fault."

Jax laughed and moved so I could sit down. Just as I sat down my phone rang, I looked at it and didn't recognize the number but answered it anyway,

Guy:"I heard Clay isn't around. For your mistake YOUR CLUB better MULE my coke or something bad will happen to YOU!!"
Me:"Hold the fuck up. Who the hell are you telling me what I need to make my club do? Whatever you had going on with Clay that is NOT my problem. And in case your ass doesn't know my club DOESN'T do anything with the damn drug business nor the goddamn cartel. All that does is get people killed."
Guy:"Obviously that's why Clay and Tragger did it behind your back. They knew what was good for the club. And who the hell am I? My name is Romeo."
Me:"Well "Romeo" or whoever the hell you are obviously you ain't seen tragger either cuz he got his dumbass killed. So take your business elsewhere or you won't like what will come for you nor the people who work for you."

I heard him laugh and another guy laugh,

Me:"Oh you find this amusing? Good to know. I know where you guys are, I have your location. I'd better run if I were you."

Opie nudged me and I put my phone on speaker,

Romeo:"Yea? That's fine I know your location as well, Addie Winston. I would be careful if I were you. If your club doesn't mule my coke I am a man of my word and something will happen to you and your club will be able to do nothing about it. The cartel can get away with a lot and it won't be traced either."
Me:"How the fuck do you know my name! Clay give you my information before I killed him? That's right I killed his old ass he had it coming and I will kill you too and that won't ever be traced back to me I can guarantee it that's a fucking promise."
Romeo:"We'll see about that. Watch your back."

He laughed then hung up before I could get another word out. I sat there staring at my phone,

Jax:"Addie we will handle this, you stay out of it. Look I'll have Hap follow me and Opie to your house. Hap will stay there to look after you and the kids when they get home from school."
Me:"I had a meeting set up with Alvarez today."
Opie:"We'll all go together then take you home. We'll get through this okay?"
Me:"I'm not even scared Opie. If the cartel wants us then let it be we ain't hiding. Clay had this set up, he knew he was going to die so he had to come up with a plan to hurt me in the end. I'm not going to sit around and let his plan win. Stop me all you guys want but I will keep trying."

They nodded and we all stood up and walked down the stairs seeing the rest of the club sitting around looking our way.

Chibs:"Everything okay? We heard yelling.."
Jax:"Yea, just everybody keep their eyes open and keep close eyes on Addie for awhile."
Bobby:"Jax, what's going on?"

I seen Jax look over at me and I looked at Bobby,

Me:"Before Clay died he made a deal with the cartel along with Tragger. If we don't mule their coke they will come after me then the rest of the club."
Bobby:"Why you first? let's mule it."
Me:"No! I told them we have nothing to do with cartels and why me first? Because unfortunately Clay is my biological father so since he is dead and can't follow through with the deal they will come after me. Well bring it on."
Chibs:"What about da baby?"
Me:"Jax and Opie is having Haps crazy ass watching over me and the kids. So the baby will be fine, just something I have to do before I head home. You guys be careful, nobody rides alone."

He nodded and Jax motioned Hap to follow. We all four walked outside and Opie looked at me handing me the car keys,

Opie:"Where's your bike?"
Me:"Around the corner."
Opie:"Really?"-he laughed-
Jax:"She tried to keep it a secret."

We both laughed and Opie went around the corner.

Me:"Something always has to happen huh?"
Jax:"Not always Addie."
Me:"Yea I guess so Jax."

Opie came around the corner on my bike and I got in the car starting it and waited for both Hap and Jax to get on their bikes so we can head to Alvarez's place. Once they were ready I went first and all three of them followed close behind me. I tapped my finger against the steering wheel and when we were halfway there a car came out of nowhere, I slammed on the brakes and two guys jumped out running to my side of the car opening the door yanking me out of the car, I heard tires squeal and looked over seeing Hap, Opie and Jax jump off their bikes. The guy who had a tight grip on my arm started shooting towards them, I watched Hap duck then stood up straight shooting back at the guy. I tried getting away but he knee'd me three times in the stomach, I fell to my knees but he yanked me up and threw me into the back of the car slamming the door shut and jumped in then the driver sped off. I gripped my stomach gritting my teeth from the excruciating pain I was having, I heard bikes behind the car as I felt tears falling down my face. A gun went off and the back windshield shattered all over me, the car got faster and the sound of bikes started fading. If I'm going to die then at least I got to see Opie one last time. I closed my eyes and stayed laying down in the backseat, I wiped the tears off my face and laid my hand back on my stomach trying not to cry anymore. The car came to a quick stop and doors opened, I was once again yanked out of the car but I kept my eyes closed. I heard voices and doors open then close, I was forced into a chair and tied to it.

Romeo:"Open your eyes."
Me:"Fuck you!"
Romeo:"Open your eyes or endure some pain."

I opened my eyes forcefully and glared at him hatefully,

Me:"Endure pain? I already have, your guys killed my baby, yea fuck head I was pregnant and oh just wait til the club president hears about this. My now dead childs uncle won't be happy nor will the father. I hope they kill you!"

Romeo stood there he looked like he realized he fucked up. Yea he did big time, I hope they find me soon.

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