Chapter 25- Saving Graces

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Hey guys, so I managed to get this out before my disappearance. Huge thanks to DitFCodeAlpha for the rapid editing so this could be done. As a disclaimer I will be unable to respond to any comments through the weekend. Other than that enjoy, this chapter is one you won't want to miss.

"This is VIRM's will," the massive floating diamond in the sky declares. Normally a diamond shaped being made of pure energy that had two faces, who just happened to be Papa and the Vice Chairman, would have confused you. However, with everything that has happened today this occurrence seems like it should make perfect sense. "Star Entity is a mass of life that could disturb the balance of the universe," it continues. "As such," a second voice finishes, "should the Klaxosaur Princess gain control of the implanting process, we rigged it to explode, taking the planet with it."

As if on cue, additional drop pods fall from the sky. When they impact more of the purple crystalline entities charge out. The Klaxosaurs rush to meet them with both sides completely ignoring you. "Guys what the hell is going on?" Zorome shouts. He isn't the only one to be confused but you can't let that hold you back. Around you other squads are crying out in terror and begging for orders that will never come.

"All Franxx," you broadcast on the general com. "This is Code 059, squad leader of Plantation 39 and second in command of Beta Company." There is a chorus of replies before you can finish speaking, each praying for direction but you ignore them. "All units retreat to the Bird's Nest."

"But Papa didn't-" one of the squad leaders begins. "Code 015, leader of Squad 13, Beta company commander," Delphinium declares from beside you. "All Franxx fall back." You say a silent prayer that the other squads will listen to the two of you while Terraria and Delphinium share a nod.

"So we are leaving too?" Futoshi asks. "Are you crazy?" Argentea yells back. "We have to save Hiro and Zero Two!" "What about Genista?" Chlorophytum raises as the four standing members of Squad 13 look out from their protective circle around the downed Franxx.

Terraria is about to respond when a hand rests on her shoulder. Much to your amazement Genista is standing once again. The look on her face is one of confusion but you can't help but notice her eyes seem to shine once again. "We can fight," she declares. "No!" Terraria shouts, "You are in no condition to-" "Kyu, WE HAVE TO!" Genista cuts her off.

The significance of that simple phrase can not be overstated. In the time since Kokoro and Mitsuru had their memories wiped they had reverted to calling everyone by their codes again. That Kokoro had just used Kyu's name instead of her code could only mean one thing.

"Incoming!" Goro screams as several VIRM soldiers come flying toward you, thrown by one of the nearby Gutenberg-Classes. Delphinium gracefully leaps into the air doing a backflip while cutting one in half. Genista quickdraws her cannon and fires. The shell catches the purple figure and turns it into mush after detonating. Finally, the last lands in front of Argentea who quickly turns it into little pieces with her claws.

"Alright," you say in amazement at Genista's speedy recovery. "So you can fight. Then we are going after Hiro and Zero Two." "To the Gran Crevasse," Delphinium orders. "Make it a straight shot and don't stop for anything. We don't have much time."


You travel at full speed for close to fifteen minutes rushing by the on-going conflict. As a result, the Gran Crevasse now looms over you. Only Strelitzia Apus's head is visible because of her recent entombment but the eyes are dark, signifying her inactive state.

With less than a mile to go the ground begins to tremble again. You are saying a silent prayer that whatever is in the earth stays there when the ground before you erupts. An enormous Klaxosaur that you could only describe as a leviathan snatches up a VIRM soldier easily as big as Target Beta in its jaws.

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