|149| Vincent Van Gogh

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I feel like I've done a van gogh chapter before, but who really cares? I found new quotes, plus, Vincent is the most precious person I know. The ones that are between "... " are his quotes, and the others, are related to him♡

•Van Gogh once said that death would take us to another star.

•Some days I'm Van Gogh's "Starry night." Other nights, I'm just his suicide note.

•You were my yellow paint: metaphorically my happiness, but ultimately horrible for me.

•A beauty entered the room.

My eyes couldn’t let her go.

She was a Van Gogh painting,

And it was as if I had never

Seen the Starry Night before.

•"Art is to console those who are broken by life".

•"I feel that there is nothing more truly artistic than to love people".

•"The night is even more richly coloured than the day… . If only one pays attention to it, one sees that certain stars are citron yellow, while others have a pink glow or a green, blue and forget-me-not brilliance. And without my expiating on this theme, it should be clear that putting little white dots on a blue-black surface is not enough".

•"I don’t know if you’ll understand that one can speak poetry just by arranging colours well, just as one can say comforting things in music".

•"Though, I am often in the depths of misery, there is still calmness, pure harmony and music inside me."

•"Love is eternal -- the aspect may change, but not the essence. There is the same difference in a person before and after he is in love as there is in an unlighted lamp and one that is burning. The lamp was there and was a good lamp, but now it is shedding light too, and that is its real function. And love makes one calmer about many things, and that way, one is more fit for one's work.”

•"The sadness will last forever".

•"I wish they would only take me as I am".

•Have you ever really thought about how when you look at the moon, it's the same moon Shakespeare and Mary Antoinette and Van Gogh and Cleopatra looked at?

(That's just awesome)

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