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i have found that there is a specific way to write aesthetically that is very simple. to write aesthetically, i usually just focus on writing simply.


you can use a lot of different fonts to be "aesthetic". here are some examples of my favorites.


those are just a few examples. italics can also make sentences look more aesthetic. Example. i do not use fonts very often, but when i do i use the ones listed above.

writing format

throughout this article i have been using all lowercase letters. using all lower case makes your sentences look more simple and "clean". remember to use appropriate capitals when writing important documents like school or work papers.

aesthetic words

here are a few words that i think are "aesthetic" and what they mean.

- exquisite: adjective meaning lovely, beautiful or delicate

- incandescent: adjective meaning emitting light, fervently passionate

- winsome: adjective meaning charming or attractive

- eloquence: noun meaning fluency and articulateness in speech or writing

- effusive: adjective expressing gratitude or approval in an unrestrained or heartfelt manner.

- ethereal: adjective meaning extremely light and elegant in a way that seems too perfect for this world.

- bliss: noun meaning happiness.

- fastidious: adhesive meaning attentive to and concerned about accuracy and detail

-serendipity: noun meaning the chance occurrence of happy events.

-bibliophile: noun meaning a book lover

- ebullient: adjective meaning cheerful and full of energy.

there are a lot more but i think these are the most beautiful. this list was inspired from two articles on the app we heart it from a writer named @_mellifluous. all credit goes to her and her articles.


when typing or sending a text, i like to use the "keyboard" emojis rather than the animated emojis. for example:

here are some animated emojis i find aesthetic.



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