Chapter 1

45 4 9

word count:2725

Hola doods. Just so y'all know Marci is the main character. But the POV will change whenever I feel like it. And y'all can imagine the characters looks any way you like. Oki doki that's all :) also here's a bop

Marci's POV
Okay. This year will be good. Just don't act like a freak. Oh god. Wait what if she remembers? She won't right? Fuck. Shit. Shitty shit shit. Fuck. Yeah this won't be good.

Kat. A hot blonde cheerleader. She's your typical cheerleader on this cheesy ass movie, ya know? Always rude to everyone except the people that are settled with  the title 'The Kool Kids' , always beautiful, you get the jizz. So I have a crush on her. Ever since freshman year. She knew I was bisexual and she supported me all the way. It was until she dated this one dude that was a huge jerk. Then she started hanging out with a bunch of other jerks and forgot about me. Then when they broke up she seemed really depressed. Me being that good kid at the time I wanted to help her. I mean I'd still help her even though she hates me. Somehow me helping her feel better ended with me confessing to her. It took her at least an hour to respond back. When I got the notification I was happy to see she texted back but that stupid smile on my face was gone when I read what she wrote.

I don't remember word for word of what she had said. I just remember she told me she hated me and she never wanted to talk to me again. And that it's not normal for me to like a girl. That girl being Her. Now she's dating another dude. This one is kind of a jerk but not much of a jerk. Ya know? Anyways back to reality.

I make my way to the front doors of the school and open it up. Not a lot of people are here yet. Well inside at least, they all hang out outside in the front of the school before heading to class and all. I head over to the front office and get my schedule and decide to walk around to try and find my friends, I'm friends with everyone (besides Kat and Kat's friends) but my small friend group I care for the most. My friends names are Liam,Noah, and Mia. Liam is kind of like me just a little different.

You see, he has a pipi and I have a micro penis. Liam plays guitar, sings, he loves old shows or anything like that, and he's not the best at expressing emotions. Noah HES a soft boy, he loves reading, he needs reassurance a lot, and he loves hugs, he doesn't care from who he just loves them. And my dude Mia. Mia is a popular kid but she's not like those jerks. She's pretty much everyone's friend, I mean everyone in the school has to know her by now for all the crazy stuff she's done.
She's the best hype man, the dude loves pineapple pizza, ramen noodles is what keeps her alive and is the reason she is even still alive, oh and she loves roasting and clowning around.
So yeah those are my friends.

"YO YO YOOO! Its MARCI!" I see someone run up to me and jump on my back pushing me to the ground. It was Mia, we both began laughing and got up off the ground. All my other friends came walking up to us. "Hey dudes." I say. "Hey Marci." They all say in unison.
"So what's y'alls first period?" Mia asks. "You remember Mr. Sims? I have him again." Liam scoffs and rolls his eyes. "That sucks poo poo dude." I say.
"Uhh I have," Noah pulls a folded piece of paper out his back pocket and we patiently wait for him to open it up and tell us "ah okay I have Mrs. Thomas." He smiles. "What! You're lucky I had her last year she's really cool." Marci says. "Oh and I have Gym first period." Marci adds on. "Yo I have it too hell yeah. Sucks to be y'all lame kids." I joke around and we all laugh.

We all walk around the school for minutes and all separate the last 4 minutes. "Do you think she'll have gym with us?" I ask nervously playing with my fingers. "Who are you tal- ahh never mind. Just don't think of it Marci. If she does just don't talk to her or whatever. It's okay." I nod to her response and we both walk in the gym. Since today is the first day we don't have to dress out until we buy the school gym clothes. Everyone is walking around or sitting so me and Marci just sit down on the bleachers.
"Do you think she still hates me?" I say out of no where. Way to go Marci.
"Ugh Marci. Why are you thinking so negative? Who cares if she hates you? You're freaking amazing dude!" She playfully pushes my shoulder and shakes her head a little.

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