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Brian McCook's POV

'what happened?'
I turned around to see Brian stood close to me, I just ignored him and threw the remains of my cigarette out of the window. I thought about leaving him there, just avoiding him but I couldn't, it wouldn't feel right. I looked at his face; his eyes were still teary and his skin was red. The edges of his hoodie sleeves were damp where he'd been wiping his face. He was so sad, yet so adorable.

'Im so sorry for what happened back there, I can't believe they think...' I started to say before he interupted me. 'You don't have to apologise, I know it wasn't you, you looked mortified.' I let out a sigh of relief, I hate to upset people, it's my least favourite thing in the world.
'Anyway, what's happened? I've never seen you upset before. do you want to talk?' His voice sounded so concerned, like he cared about me. He has no reason to, all of my friends bully him and I'm just a dickhead that hangs around with them, why would he care about me? Don't be silly, he's just being polite, he doesn't really care.

'Oh it's nothing, thank you for asking though' my voice indicated that this was a complete lie.
'It's no problem!' He said, his voice a little more cheerful. He headed towards the sink next to mine and looked in the mirror.
'Look at us two, we look like a right pair! Teary eyes and all!' I said chuckling slightly, he joined in.

I wanted to ask for his help deep down, he's the only person who would understand one part of what I'm going through. It pained me, but I did it,
'Hey, could we meet somewhere after school? I think I need some advice...'
I quickly said, my nerves getting the better of me.

'Sure, why don't we meet by my locker and go down to the stream to talk?' He suggested, it sounded perfect. I couldn't wait.
'Sounds good' I replied trying to keep my cool and left the bathroom giving him a small wave.

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