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Makoto's POV 

The trains had been delayed due to an accident. I would be arriving to the dorm several hours late. I had planned to check into them, then search for clues on Minako. Perhaps since it was already this late I could take a detour and still get my search in.  

"Attention passengers." The announcer says taking me out of my thoughts. I take off one of my headphones so I could hear them more clearly.

"We sincerely apologize for inconveniences caused by the delay. Our next stop is Iwatodai." 

I put the headphone back on as the song changed to "Burn my Dread" and checked the time. It was nearly midnight. Great. Even if I did take a detour I'd get no information. Might as well just head to the dorms and try to investigate after school tomorrow.  

The train stopped, and I got off. Then I take out the itinerary to check the map. The music suddenly stops playing in my ears. I look up to find the station dark, with ominous coffins standing around. It was Midnight. 

I left the station without questioning anything. This was normal to me now. The green sky accented a yellow moon above the silent streets. There were some puddles of blood on the ground amid more coffins on the path that lead to the dorm. Which I arrived to without incident. Entering was just as useless as staying outside, but I felt it would be safer. 

"You're late." Someone says as I take off my headphones now standing in the dorm lobby. "I've been waiting a long time for you." 

I look at the origin of the voice. A young boy with black hair and blue eyes. He snaps his fingers and a red booklet appears on the counter he was previously standing behind. 

"If you want to proceed. You must sign the contract." He says now standing in front of me. The boy wore a black and white striped outfit similar to a prisoners uniform. "Don't worry." He continues, "All it says is that you will take responsibility for your actions." 

The red booklet had opened itself. The page said:

 Time never waits. 

It delivers all equally to the same end. 

I hereby agree to the statement above, and I chooseth  this fate of mine own free will. 

There was a signature block at the bottom, so I signed with the kanji for my name; Makoto Yuki. I then handed the booklet to the boy. 

"It's true." He stated taking the booklet from me. "Time brings an end to all things. You can't plug your ears and cover your eyes." The booklet had disappeared, and darkness stared to envelop the boy. "And so it begins." He said before disappearing. 

Barely a moment passes before someone else asks "Who's there?!" Its a girl around my age wearing a pink blouse and a black skirt. She had a gun in a holster around her leg which she was considering drawing. Likely to point at me. 

"Wait Takeba."  a voice says as the girl, Takeba, is about to draw the gun. Takeba turns around to face another girl standing on the stairs in a white blouse and a longer black skirt. A holster of her own on her waist. 

"But, Kirijo-senpai-" Takeba tries to argue.

"Don't worry." Kirijo says, "He is an ordinary transfer student."  

Midnight ended after she spoke. The lights turned back on and I could more clearly see their facial features. Takeba had straight, neck length, light brown hair and eyes while Kirijo had long, wavy, red hair with bangs covering her left eye. Her visible right eye was brown tinted red in the light. Kirijo started to walk towards me and Takeba turns back around. 

"We didn't expect you'd arrive so late." Kirijo said. "I'm Mitsuru Kirijo, a resident of the dorm." 

"Why did he pick this hour to show up?" Takeba mutters.  

"It was a last minute decision to move him to this dorm." Mitsuru replies. "He'll be transferred to the boys dorm eventually."  

Deciding it wasn't worth standing here any longer I walk passed the girls towards the stairs.

"Hey!" Takeba yells annoyed.  

"You're room is on the second floor at the end of the hall." Mitsuru said. 

I stop remembering I need the key, then turn around as Mitsuru continues with "Show him the way Takeba." 

Takeba is taken aback, but Mitsuru continues talking. "This is Yukari Takeba. A second year like yourself."  

"I'm Makoto Yuki." I say as Yukari calms down. "It's nice to meet you."  

"Right." Yukari replied. "Same here." 

I glance again at the gun on her leg wondering what she could possibly need it for.  

"Its late." Mitsuru says giving Yukari a key. "You should turn in." 

"I'll show you to your room." Yukari states somewhat reluctantly. "Follow me." 

Yukari takes me to where Mitsuru said my room was. She gave me my room key, but lingered in front of my door. 

"On your way here from the station, was everything okay?" 

"What do you mean?" I reply. 

"You know what I-" She stopped herself then said. "Sorry. It's nothing. Goodnight." 

She left and I entered my room. It was nothing special. There was a sink in the wall under a mirror, a desk , some shelves, a dresser, television, closet, and a bed. I set my stuff down on the desk and laid down on my bed.  

Other people are awake during Midnight huh? I'm sure Minako is in this city. Perhaps they can help me find her. Though, they'd likely press me for details I don't care to explain. Even if I do ask, I can't make it seem like I'm looking for a dead person. 


I am tweaking dialogue from both the game and movies. Also do not discredit me and post hate comments just because I am not using the name Minato Arisato. Makoto Yuki is the official cannon name and I am therefore using it. 

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