Gekkoukan High

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Makoto's POV  

Mitsuru had asked Yukari to show me the way to school, so we were riding the train there together. I was getting closer to Minako. I didn't know how I knew. I just knew. 

"There it is." Yukari says pointing outside the window. 

I barely heard her over my music, and looked at where she was pointing. It was a white building in the distance that I could only assume was the school. We walked there after we got off the train. When we reached the entrance, it felt like Minako was closeby. That seemed odd to me though. If she was enrolled in school she would have likely been found by the police already.  

"This is Gekkoukan High School." Yukari said turning to face me. "I hope you like it."  

Looking up at the school building I briefly see a female brunette with red eyes. I blink and the girl is gone. Shaking my head, I go inside to find my class. 

After finding the faculty room, I introduce myself to Ms. Toriumi, Class 2-F's homeroom teacher. That was my class as well. She welcomes me to the school and informs me that an entrance ceremony was being held in the auditorium. I supposed following the growing impulse to get to a higher floor could be ignored a little longer. 

I droned out the principals rambling, though I had taken off my headphones earlier. As I was thinking about how I might go about investigating Minako, a boy behind me asks a question. 

"You went to school with Yukari right?" They asked.  

"I did." I replied.  

"Whoa. Cool. Hey, do you know if she has a boyfriend?" 

"I don't. Why not try asking her yourself?" 

"You think you can just waltz up and ask the popular girl if they have a boyfriend." 

Popular? I wouldn't have imagined that. 

"Anyway, sorry for bothering you." They say. 

"Hold on." I reply, "Do you know a brunette with red eyes?" 

"A brunette with red eyes. No student I know matches that description." 

"I see. Thank you."

The teachers mumbled about us talking, but I was more focused on what the boy had said. No student they knew matched that description. Though I may be jumping to conclusions too fast. It was just one random stranger. More data would be required for anything concrete. 

After school, I was about to leave class to head for the roof when one of my male classmates tried to get my attention. 

"'Sup dude!?" They said trying to be friendly. 

"What do you want?" I ask impatiently. 

"C'mon, let me at least introduce myself before you brush me off." They reply as if expecting a different response. "I'm Junpei Iori." 

Junpei wore a blue collared shirt under his uniform, and a matching baseball cap on his head. He had black buzzcut hair, gray eyes, and a small goatee on his chin. 

"I transferred here in eighth grade." He continued. "I know how tough it is being the knew kid." 

Great. The "nice guy" who thinks they understand my situation. I don't have time to deal with them.   

"At it again are you?" A familiar voice says. Yukari walks up to us. "Geez." She continued. "You'll talk off anyone's ear if they listen. Don't you ever consider that you may be bothering them." 

"Ah, give me a break Yuka-tan. I was just being friendly." Junpei replies. 

They exchange a few more words, and I decide to take that as an opportunity to leave, but then Yukari catches me saying, "Quite a coincidence isn't it, for us to wind up in the same class?" 

"I suppose." I reply, still trying to leave. 

"Shouldn't you be saying that about me too?" Junpei complains. 

"Should I?" Yukari replies annoyed. 

Before Junpei can retort another voice joins. 

"Takeba, a moment please." 

Mitsuru is standing at the classroom door.  

"Coming." Yukari replies. "See you at the dorm." 

She then goes to meet Mitsuru.  

"Well, do you wanna go somewhere?" Junpei offers. "You've got nothing to do right?" 

"Unfortunately I have business to take care of at the dorm." I say, and leave the classroom not giving him a chance to interject.  Finally, I was able to reach the roof.

No one was there. A few white benches stood around small flowerbeds. Though it seemed normal, I had a strange feeling. Like, Minako was standing right next to me. An unseen phantom. 

Yukari's POV 

Mitsuru and I were sitting in a room with the schools chairman, Shuji Ikutsuki. He wore a tan jacket over a brown turtleneck. His brown hair was as long as Mitsuru's. His hazel eyes gazed at something inside a black booklet through glasses. A twin booklet was in Mitsuru's hands. 

"It's unusual to see you here chairman." I stated. 

"When Kirijo told me about him, I couldn't contain my curiosity." He replied. 

I knew that "him" referred to Makoto so I asked, "Do you think he's also..." 

"That's almost certain." Mitsuru answers.  

"He really is an interesting case." The chairman elaborates. "Even with the potential, he should be more unstable. Experiencing memory loss, disorientation, and so on." 

"But he arrived at the dorm last night as if it were no big deal." Mitsuru states. "He casually walked there during that hour." 

"So you're saying, he's not normal?" I ask. 

"Perhaps." Mitsuru replies. 

"Which leads me to this." The chairman says. "Takeba, I'd like you to monitor his activities for a while." 

"You want me to spy on him." I rephrased. 

"I do." The chairman replied. 

"Read through this Takeba." Mitsuru says handing me the black booklet she was holding. 

I took it and looked at its contents. It was the background report on Makoto. There was a picture of him with his short blue hair with bangs covering his right eye. His left one revealing its color, gray. 

"I feel kind of bad doing this." I state. "He doesn't know anything yet." 

"This is necessary to determine whether he's qualified to know." Mitsuru explains. 

"I understand that. Still..." 

"He seems to have bounced from school to school. Relative to relative." the chairman says. "His parents died in the accident that happened here ten years ago." 

His parents died in that accident? We're in similar situations then. 

"A strange coincidence." Mitsuru voiced my thought.  

Coincidence it may be, I wondered if he came back to this city for the same reason I did. To look for answers.


I will be editing my descriptions of Mitsuru and Yukari in the previous chapter. Hope you enjoy.  

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