Preperations Begin

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"Percy Jackson?" I asked, bewildered.

"Yes, Maindrift. He believes he is still alive. What drove him to believe such nonsense is beyond me." Chiron put his face in his hand, rubbing his brow deeply before looking back up at me.

"Why is it such nonsense that Perseus could have survived?" I was slightly hurt by the idea that Chiron didn't have faith in the idea that I had managed to keep my existence going.

"It's not that I don't think he can survive on his own. He's proven the opposite many a times. It's just that he would have needed to be immortal to have lasted this long. A demigod can not live for two thousand years without help from an extremely powerful being." Chiron said.

I nodded, "On to other matters. I need all of your campers to put on a suit of armor and to sharpen their swords. I need to discuss terms with Uranus' General."

"Very well. I will have Annabeth and Grover spread the news." Chiron walked to where I recall Annabeth and Grover were standing, said a few words then nodded ascent to us.

"If you'll excuse me, gentleman. I do believe I have an archery lesson I need to be attending to." He turned and galloped towards archery.

I stared after him, looking away when Inferno nudged me. I looked over at him to find that we had a visitor.


"Lord Chaos." I replied, "why is it that I am just now catching wind of the idea that Uranus wants to fight me?"

"I thought it right that you should be put in the dark until you arrived at the camp. Otherwise, you would have never shown up." He stood stock still.

"You're right." I admitted. "I wouldn't have. They will know who I am by the end of this trip. Which I am most definitely not okay with."

"Well you will have to come to terms with the situation. For the campers to trust you, they need to know who you are. Before you take on Uranus." Chaos said.

"No way."

"You don't have a choice, like I said. You swore upon the river Styx that you will follow me willingly. No questions asked. Do you want to risk breaking that oath could get you killed?" Chaos said.

I hung my head, defeated.

"Good. I expect you to reveal yourself before you decide to take on Uranus. I expect the threat to be defeated quickly." Chaos scowled before exploding in a column of black smoke.

"C'mon Inferno. Let's go have a chat with the campers." I said.

Hey guys. It has been forever since I updated. I sincerely apologize.

DekconWaters- here have some more.

Magic_goddess- yeah Percy kick his pithos!

JiaChenXu- I finally understand why Rick Riordan likes to leave us on cliffhangers. It brings this sort of evil glee from within and I must admit it's sort of fun. Hehe

Allafey101- mystery is my middle name. No actually it's a weird spelling of a pretty normal middle name.

BrittWeakley- pretty pleSebb? That's a new way to spell it!

Skyler_Jackson- everyone says they hate drama but deep down I think everybody loves a little bit of drama every once in a while. Although I must say I probably enjoy it too much.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2014 ⏰

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