Way out of my league...

600 26 13

Hi! This is my first Mericcup and first story on wattpad! Please enjoy!

"Thanks that'll be three fifty." I said to the customer, he handed the money and I cashed it in the register and handed him his change, he soon left and I stood there, looking outside of the busy street. I heavily sighed.

My name is Henry, but you can call me Hiccup, there's a long story to that nickname that I won't bother going into... I'm 15 years old and I'm in high school, the summer just arrived and my dad INSISTED on me getting a job, so I got a job at Starbucks. It's not the DREAM JOB but I get good pay and it means I can see my friends, Rapunzel and Jack, I've known them for a lifetime, since preschool when Jack first threw a building block at me and I cried my eyes out! And now were growing up, I'm a weak, shy idiot while Jack could get about ten girls in one swoop, Rapunzel grew up to be very pretty, she was destined to, again very similar to Jack, she attracts lots of boys but I definitely know she has strong feelings towards Jack. I haven't seen the two in a while, I think I'll skype them tonight.

I sighed again and turned the fan on behind me to its full setting. The summer heat was killing me.

I got out my phone and checked my emails, today was slow, like most days, only customers wanting a refresher or a frappucino and a few coffees to go.

"Excuse me." I looked up and suddenly realised there was a customer in front of me, I jumped back and flipped my phone in to the air, it fell to the ground and I quickly struggled to pick it up.

"S-sorry!" I said quickly with a stutter, I looked at the girl, my eyes went wide and my heart began to beat faster, she was beautiful, her hair was like a lions mane, it was big and everywhere, it was a dark ginger red, her eyes were the brightest blue I've ever seen. She wore a simple red flannel shirt with the sleeves rolled up and denim shorts, she had a bag slung over her shoulders.

"Are you gonna stop starin at me and actually take me order?" She said quite angrily, I made a quiet 'oh' and she began to tell me what she wanted.

"I'll have one vanilla bean creme frappucino and a strawberries and creme frappucino, both medium." She said as she looked down at her phone, she looked as if she was texting someone. I nodded and turned round and got her drinks. Once they were done, I turned round and placed them on the counter.

"That'll be four dollars sixty please." I said quietly, looking at her as she put her phone away in her bag and got out her wallet, she took out five dollars and handed it to me, I kindly took it and registered it in. As I looked up again she was walking off.

"Keep the change." She said plainly as she walked out. I watched her leave, she seemed to have been with someone because she handed the other drink to the person.

"Wow." I said under my breath, she truly was breathtakingly beautiful. She'd never EVER go for a dork like me, she's so far out of my league you can't even see her.

The day carried on as normal, it was boring from then on, people came and go and then it was finally the end of the day. I sweeped the floor and cleaned the tables with the other workers.

"So you liked that girl with the red hair huh?" My friend Toothiana said, she worked the till next to me, she was kind of like an older sister to me, or a mother. She kept me company and really liked my friend Jack. She was really cool, she had short dark hair and had this streak of bright colors across her fringe. She always wore bright colors consisting of mainly yellows, blues and greens.

"Yeah she seemed pretty cool." I said as I sweeped away the dirt.

"You were all googly eyes over her! You love her!" She said laughing as I went redder and redder.

"I do not, I just thought she was... Interesting. And hey miss 'I love Jack oh please Hiccup let me meet him!'" I said reminding her of who she was madly in love with. Then she blushed and threw the table rag at my head with a smile.

We both closed up and headed our separate ways. I looked up at the sky, the sun was setting and it was slowly beginning to get cooler which was a relief. When I got home I was greeted by my dog Toothless, he was a very large black border collie with the biggest green eyes you've ever seen, my dad was out working or something.

"Hey bud." I said smiling he wagged his tail and nuzzled his head into my hand as I stroked him. I walked into the kitchen and filled up his bowl with food. After that, I headed up to my room and turned on my laptop, I decided to Skype Jack and Rapunzel, which I said I would do this morning.

I sat there and waited as I called the two. Rapunzel picked up instantly and Jack took a while to respond.

"Hey guys!" I said waving into the camera, they waved back

"How's your summer going you guys?" Rapunzel asked politely, we both replied with a simple fine.

"Scored with the ladies yet Hiccup?" Jack said jokingly, I then thought about Merida, I can't not tell them, they're my best friends

"I actually met a girl today." I said rubbing the back of my neck, Rapunzel squealed a little and clapped her hands while Jack smirked.

"Well I'm not too sure she was positive towards me, she caught me staring at her which was embarrassing." I said looking down at my keyboard, I should really clean my laptop, it held a lot of dust.

"What's her name!" Rapunzel said excitedly.

"I don't know, but she has the most AMAZING hair! It was a dark ginger red and was really big, like a lions mane!" I said explaining her, I knew what I was going to draw tonight.

"Merida!" The two said simultaneously.

"Wait you know her?" I asked in confusion. Merida... It was a Scottish name. It was pretty too...

"Yeah we met her at the video store when we were picking out a film for movie night, Merids DunBroch, her parents own a massive co-operation." Rapunzel explained. If they know her, then... I'll be able to meet her!

"She stole the last copy of die hard!" Jack said complaining about her.

"Yeah but I didn't want to see die hard!" Rapunzel said sighing.

"Anyway sorry Hiccup, we're actually all meeting tomorrow on Sunday at the park if you wanna join us?" Rapunzel said smiling.

"Sure! I'd love to!" I said getting excited about being able to meet her.

"Okay then! See you tomorrow at one!" She said cheerfully.

"Don't chicken out and not come! Or I'll take her!" Jack said laughing, I knew he was joking but he could definitely have her with a click of his fingers. The two left the call and I flicked through channels on my tv.

I decided to check out more of Merida and get to know a little about her. I went on Facebook and typed in her name, I found her and clicked on her page, her profile image was a picture of her taken by someone else, she was sat on a wooden gate with lots of trees around her and she was laughing, she looked, again beautiful... Her cover photo was her and Rapunzel sat outside taking a selfie holding a Starbucks drink, it was a typical teenage girl's Facebook profile. I then clicked on her likes. She liked a lot of sports, archery, basketball, baseball, all the typical ones. She liked books, horse riding, dancing, Starbucks, tumblr, various films and some youtubers, she liked most of the popular tv series, game of thrones, the walking dead, breaking bad.

Even though Facebook was telling me this. I still felt there was a lot more I don't know about her.

I then closed my laptop and got out my sketchbook. I decided to draw her, seeing as all I could think about was her. She was an interesting piece to draw, her hair had to be very detailed or it would then look sloppy and lazy. So I took a dedicated amount of time drawing her hair. The rest was easy to do, her eyes were easy I made them big, as they were and gave her an expression of boredom, her eyes were looking off into the distance as if she's seen something but couldn't really care less about that thing.

I finished and smiled, I rubbed my eyes and placed my sketch book on the side, I then laid down and closed my eyes for a nap.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2014 ⏰

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