Love me until death do us apart

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Pac and i were in the private jet flying over to Vegas something that Suge Knight plan and he invited pac , swear I don't trust that man I hear the rumors about that guy and it not good at all I hear what he did to Easy E other shit that goes down at death row records i wanted to knock some sense into Pac but he wanted to go I feel very nervous with this he is doing great with out suge i don't know why he want to meet him up or even hang out with him when the nigga fuck up his money but thankfully pac got his guards with him 247 and his own transportation so he don't need to be driving with Suge at all. I rub my belly as I feel the baby moving as I look outside the window , watching the clouds I feel pac kiss my cheek I look at him as I smiled and said

Me:I don't like Suge

Pac just smiled and said

Pac: I know baby but just for a day and we go back home ok

Me:Alright baby just one day we have the Amara's baby shower to plan

Pac:I understand baby

He kissed my lips so passionately and I feel so loved by this man I swear

Pac: the next day we go home and start planning are baby girl baby shower ok

Me:Alright I know you going to stay up late but...can you be at home at 2am ? Please

Pac:I will I promise baby

Me:Thank you

He rub my big stomach and got a magazine and started to read then i started slowly to fall asleep

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