Part 2

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"Dude I think you got younger". dean actually started laughing at Sams situation

"Dean stop laughing right now or I swear I'll use my size to my advantage I may not be able to reach your face but I can reach your so called precious jewels."

"Chill Sasquatch or should I say mouse."

Dean had half a mind to back up when he said that.

"So do we know who or what did this to me?"

"Honestly sam I don't have a we better get started on research after food."

Typical dean thinking about food all the time.

As dean turned around to get the food ready sam tried to stand up but tripped over his shirt and landed with a thud on the floor.

"Ow! damn that hurt!"

"U ok sam? "


"Ok when were done with dinner we will get you some clothes that fit how's that sound."

"Great..." was the sarcastic reply

Just as Sam and Dean finished dinner there was a rush of wings and Castiel appeared behind Dean, startling him.

"Damn it Cas don't do that!"

"My apologies"
Cas says while looking around

"Dean where is Sam and why do you have a child with you?"

"I'm Sam."

"I am confused what has happened while I was away Dean and how is Sam a child?"

"To be honest we don't know I just got back from the diner when I found Sam like this I am just as confused as you are."

" I will try my best to help with Sam."

And with that he flew away

"Well that was very helpful thanks a lot Cas." Dean said under his breath

"We should get clothes for me unless you want CPS to be called when someone takes a look at me."

"Yeah let's go "

When they got to the impala dean realized something

"Uh sam sorry to tell u this bro but your gonna have to sit in back."

"What? why?"

"Your kinda small and that will draw attention"

"This is so unfair." replied sam while muttering curses about stupid big brothers under his breath

De-aged SammyWhere stories live. Discover now