stupid little girl

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claire blossom came back from school angry that day. she normally walks home with her older cousin betty but tonight she was staying at her friend veronica's house overnight. she unlocked the door and slammed it close behind her. she listened, the normally silent house had a strange feeling about it today, like she wasn't alone. that's when she heard sounds from upstairs, footsteps. she remembered alice saying something about a gun in the kitchen drawer, just for emergencies. she found it and walked slowly up stairs. a middle aged man with brown hair fumbling through alice's bedside cabinet. "put your hands where i can see them" she said trying to sound confident but with obvious terror in her voice. he turned around, "you!" he said "that dumb little blossom baby that alice brought home and everyone loved. she fed you and changed your diaper and treated you like her own, crazy bitch" a single tear ran down claire's cheek her heart pounding in her chest. "get out" she said gulping "you cant tell me what to do" he snapped back "i said get out" she said more forcefully. he walked towards her and hit her across the cheek "little bitch" he uttered as he walked out. she dropped the gun and slid down the wall, crying. she pulled her phone out of her pocket. alice was out with fp. she called her. "what's up babes?" she said as she answered the phone. claire cried trying to get her words out "hal... he he's back" she sobbed "what!? hal! are you okay? where are you? fp and i are coming home." she said quickly. "i have to go baby, we took fp's motorbike" "okay see you soon." claire whispered into the phone before hanging up. she picked up the gun and walked back downstairs slowly, checking to see if hal had left. he was still there in the kitchen, looking at a photo album. claire creeped back upstairs, the gun in hand. she decided to check alice's belongings to see if they were all still there. first she opened her jewellery box. everything seemed to be there but alice's serpent necklace. alice always wore the necklace when she went out for dinner with fp, except from today. today they just went for milkshakes at pop's, nothing special. her heart sank, alice would be devastated if she couldn't get it back, so claire decided she would get it back for her. she walked downstairs with the gun. "hal, i asked you to leave and now i'm also asking you to give me alice's serpent necklace back" she said, more confidently. "you think i'm going to listen to a stupid little girl" he said close to her face. she couldn't stand the man any longer so she punched him. on the cheek the same way he hit her. he fell back, losing his balance.

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