A new person messaged you!

JDopeWorld :

I'm not sure if you remember me

I am Hoseok

I helped you to get rid of those jerks 

YummySuga :

I remember you. 

Just because I can't talk doesn't mean I can't remember shit.

JDopeWorld :

I didn't mean it like that dude

YummySuga :

If you're here to say bs just fucking leave

I don't need it

JDopeWorld :

Yoongi, I'm not going to hurt you

I want to help you

And your friend Jungkook

YummySuga :


JDopeWorld :

That's cute how you're so protective of Jungkook

But I won't hurt you nor him

YummySuga :


JDopeWorld :

I think I'll be able to help you speak

YummySuag :

What?! How?!

JDopeWorld :

My dad is a doctor and he'll be able to help get your voice back

YummySuga :

How do you know so much about me?

Who said I could talk before?

JDopeWorld :

Your boyfriend Jimin

He's my friend

YummySuga :

You know Jimin?!

JDopeWorld :

Of course! Now, lets get back to what I was saying 

What do you think?

They'll be some tests and surgeries 

YummySuga :

Are they safe?

JDopeWorld :

Of course! My dad has done them before so you'll be good! 

I promise

YummySuag :



Just so you know, Jungkook is autistic and Yoongi is mute (but he was able to talk before). And no, there is no plan of how this book is going to go so I'm sorry if parts of it are horrible and don't make any sense. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2018 ⏰

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