Chapter 11; Ignorance

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(Told from Loki's point of view)

I was feeling terrible when I woke up again, which was very early, due to Ron's shrieking. I didn't know what it was, but apparently... Crookshanks finally killed Scabbers. Ron and Hermione's friendship was looking permanently destroyed. I'm just saying, if I was given a choice between being Ron's friend or Hermione's friend, I'd be Hermione's in a heartbeat.

Ron and Harry had taken a side against me and Hermione. I agreed with Hermione that there wasn't really strong evidence that Crookshanks had eaten Scabbers, while Harry was on Ron's side. Hermione thanked me for taking her side, she said that without me she would have already cracked under the pressure.

Another thing— the Firebolt turned out to not be cursed. The first time Harry brought it in during practice, Madam Hooch asked to admire it.

During her rant about it's precision balance, I interrupted her. "So suddenly Harry Potter gets a Firebolt, and everyone goes ballistic? Did nobody actually realize that I also have a Firebolt?"

That practice went real well— Harry showed off his Firebolt, (to my distaste) and Oliver didn't have anything to critique.

Ron wanted to try out Harry's Firebolt, but I was so ticked off from that practice, that I approached the two of them after it with a sly grin.

"So Harry." I say, walking toward him with an attractive gait. "Ron." I add, nodding toward him. "I was thinking... since you're so confident, I thought I'd do my best to crush your confidence."

Ron and Harry look at each other. "You mean..."

"Harry James Potter!" I announce very suddenly. "I challenge you to a one on one quidditch match... where we release the snitch and the quaffles... and see who wins."

Harry looks stunned. "Wait... this is crazy! We need a whole team—"

"Then we're in luck." I smirk. "I'm a master of crazy."

"Later." Harry insists. "Later. Ron said that he wanted to take a ride on—"

"I know. See me later... tell me when you're up to my glorious swag." I wink and leave the field.


The next day was... well, fun filled to say the least.

We would be playing Ravenclaw— which was going to be a tough match. They had a new seeker, who's name was Cho Chang. I could notice that Harry was staring at her during breakfast, where he had placed his Firebolt boastingly on the table. Even I had to admit, Cho was above-average when it came to looks. However, she was not built, I think, for me.

We entered the Changing rooms, where Wood gave his pre-game pep talk, which I didn't really listen to. I ran my finger along my Firebolt's handle, thinking about how little attention it got.

Harry sat next to me during Wood's pep-talk. "Are you feeling ok?"

"Why wouldn't I be?" I ask, setting down my broom.

"Oh, you know..." he pats my stomach reassuringly.

I slap his hand away angrily. "Shut up. It'll take a while. Be patient."

"I'm not being impatient." He comments.

We enter the field, and we immediately kick off.

It was the battle of the Firebolts as soon as we started. Lee Jordan, the commentator, started to talk about how perfect Harry's broom was, (which if you've already forgotten is also my broom) and McGonagall had to constantly remind him to focus on the game.

Loki Odinson and the Prisoner Of AzkabanWhere stories live. Discover now