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As we walk to the next class all of a sudden all we hear about is Bugger's predicament.  I shook my head I look at Tristan as he walks me to yearbook class "I feel sorry for her."  "Yeah, it is bad, but it will die down."  I shake my head "you don't understand you are new here.  Have you noticed that all the guys mainly kiss their girlfriends on the cheek."  "yeah"  "Well, it is because any other PDA is considered inappropriate and it labels the girls as sluts."  "Oh, so a pregnancy."  "Is pretty much social suicide."  "Oh, so why did Martin do it."  "Well, that I can't tell you.  What I can tell you is he has lived a complicated life."  "Ahh, Ok."  I smile up at him, and he leans in and kisses me on the cheek.  As he is walking away "What would you do if I gave you a peck on the lips?"  I shake my head "Do you want to know?"  "Nope, never mind."  He walked into his classroom as I walked into mine.  Sam came up to me "Radio and TV room now.  Grab a camera."  "Uhm, Sam if this is for the club I am in it."  "Oh, yeah right damn Ok come on."  I walk into the Radio and TV room, and Tristan walks up to me "So, you want that kiss."  I smack him and tell him "go and sit down before Sergio yells at you."  He pouts and walks to his seat.  Sam and I are setting up the shot when we hear the announcement asking for all club members to report to the room.  Sam and I were sitting talking when Joel walks in and grabs my hand leading me into the DJ Booth.  "Look I am sorry I made people believe something more happened between you and Tristan.  I don't know why it is bothering me so much you two are together.  Triny I want you to be happy, but I don't like it when he is anywhere near you let alone touching you."  I giggle "Oh, come on Joel it is just that you are not used to sharing me.  I have always been there for you no matter what."  "Yeah, now I have to wait and see if Tristan needs you."  "Well, he is my boyfriend Joel, remember you do it to me with your girlfriends."  "Ok but still friends."  "Yeah, still friends dork."  As we walk out, everyone was staring at us, and I look up and see the sign lit.  I shake my head and smack him "Idiot you just broadcasted that to everyone in here and anyone outside of the building."  "oops."  I shake my head and look at Sam "Let's do this."

After the pictures where done Sam and I went back to yearbook class and on the way there he asked: "do you like Joel as more than a friend?"  "No, why"  "Well, I think that is why he is having a hard time with Tristan.  I mean think about it Trina no guy here asked you out why because Joel had them believing that you two were together.  In walks Tristan and instead of going by the rumors he asked you and now look you two are together."  "Is that wrong?"  He chuckles "Trina you deserve it.  From what I have seen Tristan likes and respects you.  I am so happy for you."  I lean in and hug Sam and say "Thank you"  As we walk into class I see Joel talking to Tristan and they are both staring at me.  Before I can grab the door and follow Sam in he comes back out "They want some individual shots of the officers."  "Ok, I got those I am not an officer."  Sam hands me the camera "Hey will you cover for me.  Sandy is right at lunch, and maybe I can go say hi."  "Go on lover boy."  He chuckles "look who's talking little sweet innocent Trina has a boyfriend"  "you know what Sam."  "What Trina"  "You're just jealous that my babe and I make a cute couple."  He shakes his head and walks out the door.  I walk up to Joel "Hey I need individual shots of you, Tony, Susan, and Santiago."  He glares at me because as I came up, Tristan slipped his arm around my waist and kissed my cheek.  After taking the pictures, I went back to my class and had just enough time to turn in the camera before it was time to leave. The rest of the day was uneventful.  Tristan didn't look happy when I handed him his jersey.  He leans in "you know I liked seeing you in my jersey.  I did hate it when you had to change into that shirt for the pictures."  "I know babe, but I put it back on."  "So, this is your band shirt."  "Yep, a white polo"  "The Band that Marches with Pride" "Yep, we do maybe you can go to pigskin and see our show."  "You are not performing tonight."  "Well, yeah but you will be in the field house talking over the first half with the coaches."  "Oh, ok well I will have to try and go then."  I walk into my last class and wait to be called to leave.

I walk out just as Tristan does.  He smiles "Want to walk to the gym together?"  "Sorry can't I have to head to the band hall."  "OK, see you after the pep rally."  After kissing him on the cheek, I skip off to the band hall I hear him tell another player "Damn dude I am so gone for that girl."  "Yeah, well you were the only one smart enough to ask her about Joel."

As I was setting up, I see Tristan watching me positioning myself for the start of our show.  When I finished part of my routine was to kiss a football player while sitting on their lap on the cheek.  Another one of the girls plopped on Tristan's lap and tried to kiss him on the lips but he just turned his head, and she got his cheek.  I skipped up to my childhood friend Tony and sat on his lap and kissed his cheek.  He whispered, "Thanks Diana would hate it if someone else did that."  I grabbed his hand and spun out yelling "GO COYOTES."  After the pep rally was over Tristan walked up to me and said: "I hate the fact that it wasn't you that sat on my lap."  "Yeah, but what could I do technically she was closer to you."  "Yeah, but your my girl and I am your guy doesn't she know that."  "Yeah, but she thinks you could do better than me."  "Not a chance."  He wrapped his arms around me and said: "will we be able to eat dinner together before the game."  "Yeah let's go get burgers."

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