Chapter 1: W-What!?

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Mahiru P.O.V
The war is finally over or gone. I can finally relax.

I was on my way to my apartment with Kuro on my head whining about stuff. I stopped by a shop to buy some food that Kuro possibly ate it all.
"Hey! Buy me some chips." Kuro said.
"What happened to the ones that in the cabinet?" I asked.
"I ate them all" He answered lazily.
"You... What!?" I yelled causing everyone to look at me.
"Stupid." He whispered.
I said sorry to everyone and get back to shopping.

After a while, I was at the register, waiting to pay. Then, someone called my name.
I turned to my left and saw Aiko Moriyo! My friend since i was small.
"Aiko!" I said surprised to see her in a place like this.
A small girl with short light copper hair that swayed as she skip-walking and then hugged me.
"I haven't seen you for a while! Where were you!? I was really worried" She said softly and concerned at the same time.
I blushed at her words and voice.
"U-um. I-i was .... uhhh" I stuttered out because i don't know what to say.
"Oh! It's ok if you don't want to tell me. I'm not force you to do anything!" She giggled and let go.
But the moment was cut out of the 'beep'.

"Sir, you're total is ¥516." The man said.
I nodded and opened my back and remembered i don't have any money with me. Aiko seemed to notice and payed for me.

We walked out the shop. It was already night time. I looked up at the stars, it was so beautiful.
"Beautiful, isn't it?" A sweet voice said.
I relized that she was there with me.
I hummed as an answer.
"Oh! Thank you for earlier by the way!" I added.
"Yeah! You're welcome!" She smiled.
I blushed slightly.
"Oh! I didn't notice your cat!" Aiko said brightly.
I took Kuro and gave him to her.
"How are you, Kuro?" She asked while petting him.
"You know, he's not really cute, right?" I mumbled.
She giggled again which made me smiled.

We talked on our way home. Don't take things that way! Her house is just next to my apartment!

Anyway, she went to her house and said goodbye to us. And i did the same.

But when i got to my room. Kuro jumped out and immediately laid on the couch. I started to cooked him some ramen in the kitchen. Then, i heard Kuro said.
"That girl is strange."
"Hmm? Why is that?" I asked.
"She has an aura that really strong but familiar, mostly in her bagpack." He said darkly.
"Huh. Do you think that is another Servamp?" I asked curiously.
"No. It is a lot stronger than mine." Kuro mumbled but i can still heard him.
In the morning.
I woke up by the sound of the alarm clock.
"Turned it down.." A high-pitched voice whined.
"Hey! Who let you in!?" I yelled and brought the cat out my bedroom.
Then, i started to do my morning routine.
At school.
I'm late! I'm late! I'm late because Kuro's laziness!
I ran to my class just in time the bell rang. I sighed in relief and sat down on my chair.

The bell rang again. I walked to the canteen and sat down on a table. And asual, the girls came and gave Kuro food.
"Hey Mahiru!" Sakuya said.
"Yeah?" I said.
"You seemed off. Is everything alright? The war is over, you don't have to worried" Sakuya whispered the last part.
"Well, it just Kuro told me that Aiko is keeping something from us." I whispered.
"She can't! She always tell the truth and don't keep secrets from us!" He said.
"Who?" A voice suddenly said next to me.
"Holy God! You almost scared me, Aiko!" I jumped.
She giggled "And who are you guys talking about?" She asked.
"No one!" Me and Sakuya said in sync.
"Alright then, bye!" She waved as she went out of the room.

"Huh! You were right! Her bagpack has a strong energy, stronger than Sleepy Ash" Sakuya mumbled.
"Kuro said the same thing" I whispered back.

School's over.
I walked out of the school alone. But not for long, Aiko then jumped out of no where made me scream for the second time.
"Hahaha! Hey Mahiru!" Aiko said.
"Yeah?" I asked.
"Can you come to my house and help me with my homework?" She asked politely.
"Ofcourse!" I smiled.
"But don't jumped out and scare me again." I sweat dropped.
"Alright!" She laughed.

We talked happily on the way.
She opened the door and stept aside for me to go in.
I went in and was amazed that the room changed so much since i've last been here.
"You could sit on the couch" Aiko said happily.
She opened her bagand pulled out a white albino squirrle.

That squirrle has a strong aura!?

"I have to take Shiro for a shower. If you want something, just feel free to ask." She said and went to the bathroom.

We heard the shower turned on and we took the chance to talk.
"That squirrle..." I mumbled.
"It can't be a Servamp. This doesn't make any sense." Kuro said lazily.
We stopped talking beacause the shower was turned off.

We didn't hear anything or see anything. I was getting worried.
And then...
I slowly got pale of a small white ghost standing behind me.
"Pfffftt! Haha*pant* Mahiru why are *pant* so scared!?" Aiko said trying not to laugh.
"This is just Shiro" She calmed down and pulled out the small blanket that covered Shiro.
Shiro just titled her head and sat down next to me. While i was having a major heart attack of the thought of a real ghost. Shiro rubbed her head against my arm calming me down and also wanting me to pet her.
I pet her gently and she jumped into my lap, curled into a ball. Aiko then put down green tea on the table-that is in front of me- for me to drink.
"Shiro!" Aiko called make Shiro jumped off my lap and ran fast to her-because squirrles are fast-.
Aiko gave Shiro sliced-fruits like apples, strawberries,...
Shiro happily ate it which i found cute.
"How long have you had Shiro?" I asked.
"Two months ago." Aiko answered.

After all that, we studied in Aiko's room and it's surprisingly clean, knowing Aiko, she would wreck it up.

We finished our homework and about to leave but stopped by Aiko.
"Hey! Why don't you stay over for a night?" Aiko asked.
"Oh... Yeah, sure." I happily accept her request.
"*gasp* Ok! You and Kuro can sleep on my bed and i can sleep on the couch with Shiro!" She pointed at Shiro sleeping on the couch.

She talked while walking to her bedroom but then trip unexpectedly.
My eyes slowly widden as if i can't move.
Aiko closed her eyes tightly waiting for the impact.

Then a gust of wind flow over us as we slightly saw long white hair of a girl. We opened our eyes again and saw a person with long fluffy hair, wearing a sweater, black shorts and black boots carring Aiko in bridal style.



Done!! Ahhh... What a relief.
Oh and the *cling* is a bell rang.

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