Chapter 1: First Day Of School

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Daniel's POV~

"Daniel honey time to get up" A voice softly said, that I recognized as my moms.

"F-five more m-minutes" I mumbled back. 

"No or you will miss your first of school" Mom said little louder. 

"N-no school i-is tomorrow" I turned around. I heard foot steps getting closer to my bed.

"Daniel no its today!" My mom said loudly. I woke up startled since she raised her voice.

"W-why didn't y-you say so?" I said nervously and got out of bed. Mom chuckled then left. I got my uniform on, then I went to the bathroom to brush my fluffy fur. I ran downstairs grabbed my lunch and put it in my backpack then started to run to school. Once I got to school I went to go get my schedule. I had werewolf 101 first, what a surprise. I was kinda nervous to go at first because we would be picking alphas and a omega. I sat in the back of the class.

Normal POV~

Daniel was sitting in the back of classroom trying not to get the attention of anyone that might want to bully him, because how weak he was. Daniel kept his head down as everyone swarmed in. As soon as Blaze came in all the girls were over him asking if they could hang out with him and sit beside him. Blaze didn't like this so he eventually key word eventually made it out of the group of girls. He sat down in the back of the class at the same table as Daniel. All the female werewolves made a 'hmph' sound then went to sit back down. 'geez I'm already getting noticed by the girls.'  Blaze thought. Blaze looked to his left and found a smaller boy who had green fluffy hair/fur and had his head on the desk. 

"Hey" Blaze said trying to get to know the smaller boy. Daniel looked up and blushed.

"H-hey I'm D-Daniel" Daniel responded and his blush only grew. 'Dang it why did I have to stutter?' Daniel thought. 

"I'm Blaze" Blaze said with a huge grin. Blaze didn't know it yet but, he was gonna fall in love with this green haired fluff ball. Their conversation carried on until Mr. Gavin their teacher walked in. Class went on and it was boring because, they only reviewed things they already knew. "This is boring we already know these things" Blaze whispered to Daniel. 

"Y-yeah I t-thought that w-we would l-learn some n-new things" Daniel whispered back. they were sure to make it so only them two could hear each other, and that was really hard since everyone was a werewolf. Class was almost over except the part where they pick alpha male and maybe a omega. 

"OK Class now for the decision that can effect this whole year. Picking the Alpha" Mr. Gavin said with a little worry in his voice. "OK so to start off with who thinks would be a good alpha?" He said. All the girls except for one said Blaze would be a alpha. "OK, ok I get it anyway Aphmau what about you since you are the alpha female" Mr. Gavin said pointing to a girl with black hair and amber eyes. She stood up and sighed.

"I don't know I haven't met that much werewolf males to fit the part. and when I say meet I mean like get to know and see if they will take care of the pups." She sat back down and sighed.

Blazes POV~

Good there is only a few more minutes left of this class then I get to go to science! I glanced to my left to see Daniel looking at me with his head down. I blushed our eyes met for a second then he turned his head with a pink face. Why do I get the need to protect this boy? I looked back to Mr. Gavin noticing that he was talking again.

"OK well I guess before you are dismissed we will discuss who will be the new omega." Mr. Gavin said. I looked around thinking who might be the omega knowing that it wasn't going to be me. Everyone looked scared but, I noticed that Daniel looked more then scared he was terrified. I was hoping that he wasn't gonna be the new omega because, then everyone would pick on him. "But, then again we should probably pick the alpha male first before we get a omega" Mr. Gavin said and everyone sighed with a relief even Aphmau who was a alpha. I looked over to Daniel to see his face a little calmed down after what Mr. Gavin said. The bell rung and everyone went to their next classes. 

"Hey what class do you have next Daniel?" I asked hoping he had science, just so I could sit next to him again and get to know more about him and maybe just maybe get his number? I was snapped out of my thoughts when Daniel replied to my question.

"O-oh I h-have Home Ec." I let out a breath that I didn't know I was holding in. "What about you B-Blaze?" Daniel asked with a slight blush.

"Oh I have Science" I answered. Daniel sighed and it sounded like he was a little disappointed. "Well I guess I'll see ya at lunch." 

"Y-yeah see y-ya th-then" 

"Just watch for a big group of girls" I smirked and Daniel chuckled.

"W-will do. W-well see ya." Daniel said walking off to his next class. I sighed well better look forward for lunch and just hope that we have another class together today. 

"Bye!" I yelled after him. I began walking to Science and it seemed that every corner that I took more people would crowd around me. 

~Time Skip To Lunch Because I Don't Feel Like Writing All Their Classes~

The bell rang for Lunch and I was excited since I was gonna see Daniel. There was just one question on my mind though and it was, Why do I like being around Daniel? (Aww is Blaze falling in love?) Once I got to the cafeteria I bought myself some lunch and went to find Daniel while there was no one around me. I finally noticed Daniel's green hair and went over to him. 

"Hey Daniel!" I waved at him as I walked over I noticed there were two other werewolves. "And you two are?" I questioned looking at the other two, I sat down waiting their answers.

"Oh H-hey Blaze" Daniel said giving a small wave to me.

"OOH~ this is Blaze. By the way I'm Dottie." She smiled and and waved. Why would she say the fist thing she did? Eh I'll just act like I didn't hear it. 

"I'm Rylan!" The other wolf said, and also did a smile but, it was a little smaller then Dottie's. We continued talking about stuff and getting to know more about each other. But, as they say all good things must come to a end and that's exactly what happened... The bell rang meaning Lunch is over get to your next class. We all said our goodbyes then went our different ways.

~Time Skip To The End  Of The Day~

It was finally the end of the day, I could finally go home and relax. And I did just that after the long walk home I went to the kitchen got some food then went to the couch and just watched TV til the rest of my family got home.


1245 Words BAYYBEE! I think that is pretty good since this is my first chapter. Anyway hoped you liked this chapter and til next time guys!

Also Have An AMAZING Day!

~Short Potato Author


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