Chapter 1- Chloe Gets In Trouble

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Marinette's P.O.V
It all started like any normal day

I walked into class finding Chloe being bossy and using the excuse that "Her daddy's the mayor" to get out of playing hooky the past week

"CHLOE, TO THE PRINCIPALS OFFICE. I'm sorry, but it's time you sucked it up and took responsibility for your actions. You've used that excuse for literally everything. Now go"

I sat by Alya, like normal and asked what I missed, wondering what's up with Mrs. Bustier

"Not much, girl. Why are you late THIS time?"

"Manon had to spend the night because Nadja had to work overnight to work on a new episode of Face To Face. Probably messed up my alarm clock ON PURPOSE"

"Ah that's a bummer. At least we got a week away from Chloe *chuckles*"


*Adrien walks in*

Adrien's P.O.V
I walk in to find complete SILENCE like someone *cough cough* Chloe *cough cough* just got in trouble.

I sat by Nino

"Wassup dude" Nino asked

"Nothing much. What's up with Mrs. Bustier?

"Must be in a bad mood today dude"

"That's so not like her"

I agree Adrien...

Sorry this chapter was so short... but get used to having a lot of chapters in my stories XD Hope you like it!! Chapter 2 will be up in about 5 hours cuz I gtg somewhere

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