I Will Try To Fix You...I Promise (AU Destiel FanFic)

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A/N aye this is my first Destielfic don't judge me!! this is only a tester page because i Want to see if you guys like it let me know! This is only a description too because (not that you already don't know the characters ) i feel as though i need to again test my work! MORE TO COME SOON AND THEN WE CAN GET INTO THE STORY LINE FO' REAL THIS TIME!!!!!!

Dean was constantly moving around "Because of his dads job". Dean never really knew what his dads job was because he didn't care. With Deans dad always gone it was just him and his younger brother Samuel or 'Sammy' for short. Dean felt a little more comfortable in this town because he was closer to his Uncle Bobby, his Aunt Ellen and Cousin Jo. Sammy never felt that way because he never new what a 'home' was. Mainly because his small family was always moving never staying in one place for more than 2-3 months. Right after their moms death ,sammy was 6 months old, they just packed up never having a stable home to call their own. Now Castiel was a completely other story he'slived in this town since he was two, no dad only a mom, and almost the exact oppisite of Dean Winchester Dean had dirty blonde hair Castiel had dark brown hair, Dean liked classic rock Castiel likes to read. they were different apart from being each others SoulMate.

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