Chapter 2 first day second month

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A/N sorry the last chapter was short just testing the waters

It was a dark gloomy day in September. it was the first day of school for Dean Winchester and the second month for Castiel Novak. Castiel didn't really have friends at Lawrence High School. Castiel was called names walking down the halls, but the bulling doesn't stop at school his mom is also very abusive she blames him for everything the spilled milk, stains on the flor even to the point of blaming him for his fathers disappearance. but Castiel forgot all about it when he would walk to school.But this morning didn't feel right, something in the universe was off today, like something very important and nerve racking was going to happen. Castiel didn't want to think about it to much because he has a math test today. But the feeling just wouldn't go away like a stubborn pimple. He was pulled out of his thoughts when he and a boy , a very handsome one at that, hit heads. Castiel looked up "oh I'm so sorry you okay?" "hehe yeah I'm good sorry" the cute stranger said scratching the back of his neck. the tardy bell rang they said their goodbyes and dean went to the office to get his schedule and what the ladies at the desk called "peer pals". Dean wasn't paying too much attention because he could not forget about that boy in the trench coat he bumped into today just before the bell. dean didn't know why he cared so much about him he just felt like he needed to know him. "um Dean?" he was ,again, pulled out of his thoughts."oh yeah, um sorry what were you saying?" "would you like your pal to be a boy or a girl?" "um,boy please?" he choose a boy because at his last school the girls wernt very fond of him so hewas oing to try make friends here and hope for this to be a permanent home. "okay."the lady with cat eye glasses and brown hair pushed the intercom button "Castiel Novak please come to the front office, Castiel Novak to the front office Thank you. He'll be here shortly dear, take a seat." Dean hates being called 'Dear' but Dean was determined to not fuck up at this school like he did at the previous one.

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